360° – Fund for New City Cultures

Afghan women have been pushed out of public life sin­ce the Taliban took over Afghanistan. On October 10, the anni­ver­sa­ry of women’s soli­da­ri­ty against the Taliban, DFF’s diver­si­ty pro­ject 360° will screen an Egyptian empower­ment film at LUCAS in soli­da­ri­ty with Afghan women: an encou­ra­ging por­trait of a young fema­le weight­lif­ter who chal­lenges the patri­ar­chal social sys­tem with her desi­re to beco­me a pro­fes­sio­nal weight­lif­ter. A dis­cus­sion with the pro­duc­tion team is plan­ned afterwards.

Fachbereich 4 — Soziale Arbeit und Gesundheit

For the pro­gramm and tickets, click here:


EG/DE/DK 2020. D: Mayye Zayed.