LUCAS – International Festival for Young Film Lovers #47 from October 5 to 11, 2024

Lights out at LUCAS #47: From October 5 to 11, 2024, Germany’s oldest film fes­ti­val for young audi­en­ces pres­ents award-win­ning cine­ma­tic art for ever­yo­ne from three years to 18plus. Families and film lovers of all ages can look for­ward to out­stan­ding cine­ma expe­ri­en­ces in Frankfurt, Offenbach and Wiesbaden.

At the heart of LUCAS are the com­pe­ti­ti­ons in the »Kids«, »Teens« and »Youngsters« sec­tions. In addi­ti­on to the com­pe­ti­ti­on pro­gram, the fes­ti­val shows clas­sics of film histo­ry, short films for the very youn­gest and other pro­grams, some of which are desi­gned by child­ren and young peo­p­le. During the fes­ti­val week, a spe­cial focus is pla­ced on the film talks, in which film­ma­kers from all over the world enter into dia­log with the audience.

Participation at LUCAS means “Get Involved!”: As mode­ra­tors, jury mem­bers or film cri­tics, as fes­ti­val repor­ters or cura­tors, young peo­p­le are invi­ted to help shape the fes­ti­val in a varie­ty of ways.

For repre­sen­ta­ti­ves of the film indus­try, spe­cia­list con­fe­ren­ces and panel dis­cus­sions are held that deal with topics of film edu­ca­ti­on and cur­rent trends in children’s and youth film production.

LUCAS – Internationales Festival is orga­ni­zed by DFF – Deutsches Filminstitut & Filmmuseum e.V..

Banner: Frankfurt & Rhein-Main mit Kindern
LUCAS separation

Competitions and Awards


In the com­pe­ti­ti­ons of the »Kids«, »Teens« and »Youngsters« sec­tions, LUCAS pres­ents a sel­ec­tion of out­stan­ding inter­na­tio­nal fea­ture films, docu­men­ta­ries, ani­ma­ted films and expe­ri­men­tal films. A total of 21 fea­ture-length films and 18 short films will be com­pe­ting for the cove­ted LUCAS awards in 2024.

The fea­ture-length films have a run­ning time of more than 59 minu­tes and have not yet been released in German cine­mas. A sel­ec­tion com­mit­tee tra­vels to fes­ti­vals and indus­try mee­tings to choo­se com­pe­ti­ti­on ent­ries for the »Kids«, »Teens« and »Youngsters« sec­tions from the stron­gest cur­rent pro­duc­tions world­wi­de. It’s not pre­mie­re sta­tus, but qua­li­ty alo­ne that counts!

In recent years, LUCAS has gai­ned a spe­cial repu­ta­ti­on with its short film com­pe­ti­ti­on. A sel­ec­tion com­mit­tee puts tog­e­ther seve­ral com­pe­ti­ti­on pro­grams for the »Kids« und »Teens« sec­tions from the best inter­na­tio­nal sub­mis­si­ons up to 30 minu­tes in length, many of which are German premieres.


Competition »Kids«

  • Award for the Best Feature Film (5,000 €) dona­ted by the Sparkassen-Kulturstiftung Hessen-Thüringen
  • Award for the Best Short Film (2,000 €)

Competition »Teens«

  • Award for the Best Feature Film (5,000 €)
  • Award for the Best Short Film (2,000 €)
  • Award for an Outstanding Cinematic Achievement (2,000 €)

Competition »Youngsters«

  • LUCAS »Youngsters« Award (5,000 €)

All Sections

  • ECFA Award
  • Bridging the Borders Award
  • Audience Award
LUCAS separation

Selection Committee 2024

In order to net­work LUCAS even bet­ter and to streng­then the lively exch­an­ge about the pro­gram, the fes­ti­val has appoin­ted a sel­ec­tion com­mit­tee for fea­ture-length films and a sel­ec­tion com­mit­tee for short films, which view the films and sel­ect them for the com­pe­ti­ti­ons »Kids«, »Teens« and »Youngsters« com­pe­ti­ti­ons. In addi­ti­on to Julia Fleißig, the fes­ti­val direc­tor of LUCAS, the com­mis­si­ons are made up of five other pro­ven film experts.

Selection Committee Feature Film 
Kirsten Taylor

Kirsten Taylor
Editor, film edu­ca­tor and author

Kirsten Taylor is an edi­tor at the film edu­ca­ti­on por­tal and a free­lan­ce film edu­ca­tor, inclu­ding for the pro­ject “Filmklassiker sehen — Filme ver­ste­hen”, which was initia­ted by the Deutsche Filmakademie, as well as for the SchulKinoWochen. She also wri­tes film reviews and pre­pa­res film app­raisals. One focus of her work is children’s and youth films.

Stefan Stiletto

Stefan Stiletto
Film edu­ca­tor and film journalist

Stefan Stiletto is a free­lan­ce film edu­ca­tor, film jour­na­list and edi­tor. He designs and crea­tes film edu­ca­ti­on mate­ri­als, wri­tes for Filmdienst, Kinderfilmwelt, Kinder- und Jugend-Filmportal and, among others, and runs trai­ning cour­ses for mul­ti­pli­ers as well as work­shops for child­ren and young peo­p­le on all kinds of film edu­ca­ti­on topics.


Rochus Wolff
Film cri­tic, aut­hor and lecturer

Rochus Wolff is a free­lan­ce film cri­tic and aut­hor; his publi­ca­ti­ons include Kino-Zeit, Filmdienst, Kinderfilmwelt, the Kinder- und Jugendfilmportal and his blog He has alre­a­dy published two books on children’s films, “33 bes­te Kinderfilme” and “100 Kinderfilme für alle Tage”. He also gives work­shops on children’s films and film criticism.

Short Film Selection Committee 
Holger Twele

Holger Twele
Journalist and film educator

Holger Twele is a free­lan­ce film jour­na­list and film edu­ca­tor and has work­ed for many years for the Bundesverband Jugend und Film, the Deutsche Kinder- und Jugenfilmzentrum and the Bundeszentrale für poli­ti­sche Bildung, among others.

Dr. Ursula Vossen

Dr. Ursula Vossen
Producer and aut­hor / HessenInvestFilm

Dr. Ursula Vossen has many years of expe­ri­ence as a pro­du­cer for tele­vi­si­on and film as well as in film pro­mo­ti­on. She is the aut­hor of num­e­rous books and artic­les on film studies.

LUCAS separation

Jury 2024

»The juries for the com­pe­ti­ti­ons »Kids« and »Teens« are made up of an equal num­ber of young film fans and indus­try pro­fes­sio­nals. They deci­de on the awar­ding of five LUCAS pri­zes in their sec­tions. A jury of young European film enthu­si­asts honors a film from the »Youngsters« sec­tion with the LUCAS »Youngsters« Award.

An ECFA jury pres­ents the ECFA Award to its European children’s film favo­ri­te, sin­ce 2018 Cinema Without Borders has pre­sen­ted an award to a com­pe­ti­ti­on film and the audi­ence award is deci­ded by the fes­ti­val visitors.

Jury Competition »Kids«

Alexander Boskamp ©Oliver Leicht

Alexander Boskamp (11)
Lycée Français Victor Hugo, Frankfurt

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Alexander loves cri­ti­ci­zing films, which is why he appli­ed to be a mem­ber of the LUCAS jury. He pre­fers to watch movies with his father and pre­fers silence so that he can ful­ly immer­se hims­elf in the action on the screen. The magi­cal world of the HARRY POTTER series is par­ti­cu­lar­ly clo­se to his heart, which is why he would like to see more fan­ta­sy films at the movies. For him, 3D scree­nings are an extra­or­di­na­ry spec­ta­cle that can­not be recrea­ted at home.

Elena Enchev ©Oliver Leicht

Elena Enchev (11)
Diltheyschule, Wiesbaden

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Elena actual­ly has a lot of hob­bies: she dances, fen­ces, plays the dou­ble bass and pia­no and speaks three for­eign lan­guages – but she is par­ti­cu­lar­ly fond of movies. She loves going to the movies with her par­ents, class­ma­tes or fri­ends so that they can talk about what the expe­ri­ence after­wards. She would like to see more real sto­ries and cha­rac­ters as well as more children’s films that are­n’t bor­ing for adults either.

Daria Luíc ©Oliver Leicht

Daria Luíc (12)
Neues Gymnasium Rüsselsheim

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Daria appli­ed to be a mem­ber of the LUCAS jury becau­se she finds it exci­ting to watch inter­na­tio­nal films. At the same time, she is enthu­si­a­stic about the field of film cri­ti­cism. When she sits in the movie thea­ter and the lights go out, she feels curio­si­ty, but also a deep sen­se of rela­xa­ti­on and cer­tain­ty that she will be in a dif­fe­rent world for the next two hours. She pays par­ti­cu­lar atten­ti­on to the acting per­for­man­ces and the scenery.


Margret Albers (Germany)
Media sci­en­tist and pro­ject manager

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Margret Albers is pas­sio­na­te about children’s media, fan­ta­stic gen­res and the extra­or­di­na­ry. She works for the Förderverein Deutscher Kinderfilm e.V. – inclu­ding the pro­jects “Akademie für Kindermedien” and “Der beson­de­re Kinderfilm” – and is invol­ved in the European Children’s Film Association (ECFA). She is also acti­ve on various juries and com­mit­tees, such as the Grimme Prize for Children and Young People and as a youth pro­tec­tion expert at the FSK.

Herr Ambroselli

Herr Ambroselli (Germany)
Screenwriter and director

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From a magi­cal world straight to LUCAS: Mr. Ambroselli’s adven­tures have taken him to many exci­ting places, from Berlin film sets to the film aca­de­mies in Darmstadt and Dortmund. With pro­jects such as the short film HERR SCHNURRS MAGISCHER KOFFER, which won the »Stadtteiljury« award at LUCAS in 2022, he gives young audi­en­ces an insight into his fan­ta­stic per­cep­ti­on. His new, “par­ti­cu­lar­ly cra­zy” short film with the working title JUNGS SIND HALT SO is due to be released in 2024.

Tanja Tlatlik

Tanja Tlatlik (Germany)
Festival Director doxs!

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Tanja Tlatlik stu­di­ed film and audio­vi­su­al media in Bochum, Paris, Amsterdam and Montréal. After her stu­dies, she work­ed as a free­lan­cer for fes­ti­vals in the Ruhr regi­on and Canada, inclu­ding HotDocs and the famous Toronto Film Festival. She has been the direc­tor of the Duisburg film fes­ti­val doxs! doku­men­tar­fil­me für kin­der und jugend­li­che sin­ce 2022 and is also a regu­lar pro­gram con­sul­tant and jury mem­ber for other fes­ti­vals throug­hout Europe.

Jury Competition »Teens«

Leon Dill ©Oliver Leicht

Leon Dill (17)
Kurt-Schumacher-Schule, Karben

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Leon likes to share his opi­ni­on on a movie with like-min­­ded peo­p­le, which is why he appli­ed to be a mem­ber of the LUCAS jury. For him, it is par­ti­cu­lar­ly important that a movie has the right over­all packa­ge: A good script, the right actors, humor and an exci­ting set­ting are his top prio­ri­ties. He wri­tes books hims­elf and deve­lo­ps exci­ting sto­ries that he would like to make into films one day.

Walina Kamal ©Oliver Leicht

Walina Kamal (16)
Strothoff International School, Dreieich

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Für Walina zeich­net sich ein guter Film nicht nur durch eine gute Kameraführung, Licht und Schauspiel aus, son­dern dadurch, dass sei­ne Handlung zudem über eine Moral oder Botschaft ver­fügt. Dieser Haltung ent­stammt auch ihr Interesse an nicht per­fek­ten Charakteren mit­samt ihrer indi­vi­du­el­len Ansichten und Argumente. Zudem schreibt und dreht sie selbst Kurzfilme. Sie erhofft sich vom Festival Einblicke in neue Perspektiven des Kinos.

Leni Walter ©Oliver Leicht

Leni Walter (14)
Wöhlerschule, Frankfurt

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Leni pre­fers films that are emo­tio­nal and pro­found, but don’t lose their sen­se of humor even when deal­ing with dif­fi­cult topics. She also app­re­cia­tes her favo­ri­te film, Caroline Link’s ALL ABOUT ME, for the­se qua­li­ties. With LUCAS, she is par­ti­cu­lar­ly loo­king for­ward to swap­ping the class­room for the cine­ma for a week and wat­ching films that would other­wi­se not be so easy to see.

Marion Heimlund

Marion Røst Heimlund (Norway)
Program Director BFF Kristiansand

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Marion Røst Heimlund has been working in the film indus­try sin­ce 2007 and has work­ed with the Tromsø International Film Festival, among others. Since 2021, she has been pro­gram direc­tor at BFF Kristiansand, Norway’s lar­gest inter­na­tio­nal children’s film fes­ti­val, as well as child­ren and youth repre­sen­ta­ti­ve on the board of the Norwegian Federation of Film Societies. In her work, it is par­ti­cu­lar­ly important to her to invol­ve child­ren and young peo­p­le in decis­­i­on-making processes.

Stefan Huber ©Eszter Kondor

Stefan Huber (Austria)
Head of Film Education at Österreichisches Filmmuseum

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Since 2012, Stefan Huber has been orga­ni­zing events for the film edu­ca­ti­on depart­ment at the Österreichisches Filmmuseum, which he took over in 2019. He also par­ti­ci­pa­tes in (inter)national media­ti­on pro­jects, is part of various juries and also works as a mode­ra­tor. He stu­di­ed German phi­lo­lo­gy in Vienna and Barcelona, work­ed at the film/radio inter­face until 2006 and is also a life and social coun­se­lor in trai­ning and under supervision.

Noy Levin

Noy Levin (Israel)
Filmmaker and film educator

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Noy Levin stu­di­ed at the Steve Tisch School of Film and Television at Tel Aviv University. She is a pas­sio­na­te sto­rytel­ler and has writ­ten and direc­ted seve­ral scripts for short films and plays for young audi­en­ces. Until 2023, Noy was Artistic Director of the Tel Aviv International Children’s Film Festival. In her many com­mit­ments, she is com­mit­ted to cul­tu­ral edu­ca­ti­on for child­ren and young people.

Jury Competition »Youngsters«

Iker Acosta Narváez

Iker Acosta Narváez (17, Spain)

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Iker wat­ches at least five movies a week. He immer­ses hims­elf in a who­le host of dif­fe­rent gen­res and worlds, but he would most like to meet his favo­ri­te direc­tor Xavier Dolan. Among other things, Iker, who wants to beco­me a film­ma­ker hims­elf, is inte­res­ted in Dolan’s working pro­ces­ses, his con­stant adap­ta­bi­li­ty and his wide-ran­­ging port­fo­lio. The type of films Iker likes to watch depends on his mood, but he is most inte­res­ted in dra­mas and (psy­cho­lo­gi­cal) thrillers.

Josefine Fiedler ©Picture People

Josefine Fiedler (17, Germany)

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Josefine dreams of beco­ming an actress and star­ring in a movie in the future. She loves cine­ma abo­ve all for the way it plays with the audience’s emo­ti­ons: Movies can bring joy, trig­ger sad­ness, chan­ge opi­ni­ons or make per­spec­ti­ves under­stan­da­ble. This is also reflec­ted in her favo­ri­te quo­te from the Marvel series LOKI: “No one good is ever real­ly good, and no one bad is ever real­ly bad.”

Tanja Landgreen

Tanja Landgreen (18, Denmark)

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Films have an influence on one’s own per­so­na­li­ty – Tanja agrees, often noti­cing that she adopts beha­vi­ors from a film into her ever­y­day life. For her, cine­ma brings peo­p­le of all kinds tog­e­ther. Her favo­ri­te quo­te from the cha­rac­ter Tinkerbell from the PETER PAN uni­ver­se always boosts her self-esteem: “If you can’t deci­de bet­ween her and me, then take her. Because if you real­ly loved me, the­re would never have been a second choice.”

Noa Lopez Rodriguez

Noa Lopez Rodriguez (17, Spain)

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Noa does­n’t real­ly dare to call hers­elf a cine­phi­le yet, becau­se she does­n’t actual­ly watch movies that often. But when she does go to the movies, she always has a good time, which is why she wants to inte­gra­te movies more into her ever­y­day life. Musicals are curr­ent­ly her favo­ri­te gen­re. This is also the reason why she would like to meet Lin-Manuel Miranda, who­se musi­cal “Hamilton” she knows from the recor­ding of Thomas Kail’s Broadway production.

Ayelén Gabriela Molina-Heimlund

Ayelén Gabriela Molina-Heimlund (16, Norway)

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For Ayelén, a movie beco­mes some­thing spe­cial when it stays with her even after the cre­dits have rol­led, accom­pany­ing her and invi­ting her to think cri­ti­cal­ly about it. From her point of view, a movie alo­ne may not chan­ge the world, but it is very capa­ble of chan­ging her view of her own world and broa­de­ning her hori­zons. For her, cine­ma is pri­ma­ri­ly a place of sto­ries, but also of fri­end­ship and exchange.

Tiffany Nguyen

Tiffany Nguyen (17, Germany)

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The first movie that Tiffany real­ly got to grips with was Lars von Trier’s NYMPHOMANIAC. The dra­ma made her “ins­a­nely curious” becau­se she did­n’t under­stand it at first, but after exten­si­ve rese­arch she was thril­led by this kind of radi­cal and scan­da­lous cine­ma. She par­ti­cu­lar­ly likes films when they lea­ve room for dif­fe­rent inter­pre­ta­ti­ons, which is why she also enjoys the works of Christopher Nolan and Denis Villeneuve.

ECFA Jury 2024

The jury of the European Children’s Film Association (ECFA) con­sists of European experts from the children’s and youth film sce­ne. This year, Margret Albers (Jury Competition »Kids«) tog­e­ther with Stefan Huber and Noy Levin (both Jury Competition »Teen«) will pre­sent the ECFA Award to their European children’s film favo­ri­te. The award qua­li­fies the films for the annu­al com­pe­ti­ti­on for the “Best European Children’s Film of the Year” pri­ze, which is award­ed during the Berlin International Film Festival.


Margret Albers (Germany)
Media sci­en­tist and pro­ject manager

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Margret Albers is pas­sio­na­te about children’s media, fan­ta­stic gen­res and the extra­or­di­na­ry. She works for the Förderverein Deutscher Kinderfilm e.V. – inclu­ding the pro­jects “Akademie für Kindermedien” and “Der beson­de­re Kinderfilm” – and is invol­ved in the European Children’s Film Association (ECFA). She is also acti­ve on various juries and com­mit­tees, such as the Grimme Prize for Children and Young People and as a youth pro­tec­tion expert at the FSK.

Stefan Huber ©Eszter Kondor

Stefan Huber (Austria)
Head of Film Education at Österreichisches Filmmuseum

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Since 2012, Stefan Huber has been orga­ni­zing events for the film edu­ca­ti­on depart­ment at the Österreichisches Filmmuseum, which he took over in 2019. He also par­ti­ci­pa­tes in (inter)national media­ti­on pro­jects, is part of various juries and also works as a mode­ra­tor. He stu­di­ed German phi­lo­lo­gy in Vienna and Barcelona, work­ed at the film/radio inter­face until 2006 and is also a life and social coun­se­lor in trai­ning and under supervision.

Noy Levin

Noy Levin (Israel)
Filmmaker and film educator

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Noy Levin stu­di­ed at the Steve Tisch School of Film and Television at Tel Aviv University. She is a pas­sio­na­te sto­rytel­ler and has writ­ten and direc­ted seve­ral scripts for short films and plays for young audi­en­ces. Until 2023, Noy was Artistic Director of the Tel Aviv International Children’s Film Festival. In her many com­mit­ments, she is com­mit­ted to cul­tu­ral edu­ca­ti­on for child­ren and young people.

Cinema Without Borders

“Cinema Without Borders” is an inter­na­tio­nal net­work of actors from the film indus­try that cam­paigns for diver­si­ty, inclu­si­on and social jus­ti­ce in film. “Cinema Without Borders” pres­ents the “Bridging the Borders Award” at sel­ec­ted film fes­ti­vals every year. The award reco­gni­zes films that bring peo­p­le tog­e­ther across geo­gra­phi­cal, reli­gious, eth­nic, cul­tu­ral and eco­no­mic bor­ders and address issues of social jus­ti­ce. The mem­bers of the “Cinema Without Borders” jury 2024 are Keely Badger, Susan Morgan Cooper, Arameh Etemadi, Chale Nafus and Bijan Tehrani.

Keely Badger

Keely Badger

Mehr erfah­ren

Keely Badger is the Founder and Chief Marketing Officer of 360 MEDIA Consulting, a woman-owned digi­tal mar­ke­ting agen­cy for sto­rytel­lers, chan­ge­ma­kers and brands working at the fore­front of social impact and inno­va­ti­on. Keely deve­lo­ped a love for the trans­for­ma­ti­ve poten­ti­al of docu­men­ta­ry film to build bridges bet­ween com­mu­ni­ties and rai­se cri­ti­cal awa­re­ness. Over the past 15 years, she has work­ed in the public and pri­va­te sec­tors using social cine­ma as a tool to inspi­re audi­en­ces to take meaningful action.

Susan Morgan Cooper

Susan Morgan Cooper

Mehr erfah­ren

Susan Morgan Cooper is a direc­tor, pro­du­cer and wri­ter. Her works include the docu­men­ta­ries TO THE MOON AND BACK (2016), HOPPER (2013) and MULBERRY CHILD (2012).

Arameh Etemadi

Arameh Etemadi

Mehr erfah­ren

Arameh Etemadi is a ver­sa­ti­le media pro­fes­sio­nal with exten­si­ve expe­ri­ence in tele­vi­si­on pro­duc­tion, docu­men­ta­ry direc­ting, jour­na­lism and film criticism.She has been a film cri­tic for Iranian Film Magazine sin­ce 2007, whe­re she is known for her insightful artic­les and film reviews. In 2014, she was award­ed the Best Artistic Interviewer Award by the Iranian Society of Film Critics and Writers (ISFCW).

Chale Nafus

Chale Nafus

Mehr erfah­ren

Chale Nafus was born in Dallas, atten­ded public schools, spent sum­mers on his sister’s ranch in Comanche County in the 1950s, lear­ned Spanish from class­ma­tes and drea­med of lea­ving Dallas. After atten­ding the University of Texas at Arlington, Universidad Autónoma de México and UT Austin, he began a long tea­ching care­er at various colleges.When he reti­red in 1998, he spent four years tra­ve­ling and wri­ting befo­re joi­ning the Austin Film Society as pro­gram direc­tor. Now ful­ly reti­red, he is hap­py to ser­ve on the boards of the Austin Film Society and OUTsider Fest, as well as the advi­so­ry boards of IndieMeme and Cine Las Americas.

Bijan Tehrani

Bijan Tehrani

Mehr erfah­ren

Bijan (Hassan) Tehrani, foun­der and edi­­tor-in-chief of Cinema Without Borders, is a film direc­tor, wri­ter and film cri­tic. His first artic­le appeared 45 years ago in a weekly film publi­ca­ti­on in Iran. Bijan foun­ded Cinema Without Borders, an online publi­ca­ti­on dedi­ca­ted to pro­mo­ting inter­na­tio­nal cine­ma in the US and around the world, eigh­te­en years ago and still ser­ves as editor-in-chief.Bijan has also been a colum­nist and film cri­tic for Iranian month­ly maga­zi­nes rela­ted to film for 45 years. He has recei­ved seve­ral awards at inter­na­tio­nal film fes­ti­vals and book fairs for his short films and children’s books as well as for his con­tri­bu­ti­ons to inter­na­tio­nal cinema.

LUCAS separation

Film Guests 2024

For its 47th edi­ti­on, LUCAS will once again wel­co­me num­e­rous film guests on site in the four fes­ti­val cine­mas or in an online dis­cus­sion. All film scree­nings will be accom­pa­nied by film media­tors. In addi­ti­on, the for­mat »Film Talks in Advance« will once again be held on the com­pe­ti­ti­on films as part of a “Get Involved!” pro­ject. Young LUCAS alum­ni inter­view­ed inter­na­tio­nal film­ma­kers in the TV stu­dio of the Medienprojektzentrum Offener Kanal Rhein-Main in Offenbach.

The film guests of LUCAS #47 will be announ­ced here progressively.

SA, Oct. 5 
Charles de Ville ©Charles de Ville
Charles de Ville ©Charles de Ville

Charly de Ville
Responsible for the sound and music of the film SAVAGES (Competition »Kids« | Feature Film)

1:00 p.m. | DFF Cinema

©Susanna Haneder | Quelle: crew united
©Susanna Haneder | Quelle: crew united

Susanna Haneder
Responsible for the pro­duc­tion design of the film GREETINGS FROM MARS (Competition »Kids« | Feature Film)

2:30 p.m. | Caligari Filmbühne

Justine Bauer
Justine Bauer ©Semih Korhan | Source: DFF

Justine Bauer
Director of the film SMELL OF BURNT MILK (Competition »Teens« | Feature Film)

3:30 p.m. | DFF Cinema

Claire Burger
Claire Burger ©Bogdan Smith | Source: DFF

Claire Burger
Director of the film FOREIGN LANGUAGE (Competition »Youngsters«)

6 p.m. | DFF Cinema

Roman Paul ©Razor Film

Roman Paul
Producer of the film FOREIGN LANGUAGE (Competition »Youngsters«)

6 p.m. | DFF Cinema

SU, Oct. 6 
©Susanna Haneder | Quelle: crew united
©Susanna Haneder | Quelle: crew united

Susanna Haneder
Responsible for the pro­duc­tion design of the film GREETINGS FROM MARS (Competition »Kids« | Feature Film)

10 a.m. | DFF Cinema

Leif Lindblom
Leif Lindblom ©Betafilm | Source: DFF

Leif Lindblom
Director of the film THE PINCHERS’ HIGH VOLTAGE HEIST (Competition »Kids« | Feature Film)

1:30 p.m. | DFF Cinema

Eirik Sæter Stordahl
Eirik Sæter Stordahl ©Norwegian Film Institute | Source: DFF

Eirik Sæter Stordahl
Director of the film LARS IS LOL (Competition »Kids« | Feature Film)

2:30 p.m. | Caligari FilmBühne

Romina Tamburello ©M-Appeal | Quelle: DFF
Romina Tamburello ©M‑Appeal | Quelle: DFF

Romina Tamburello
Director of the film VERA AND THE PLEASURE OF OTHERS (Competition »Youngsters«)

Online guest:
6 p.m. | DFF Cinema

Federico Actis ©M-Appeal | Quelle: DFF
Federico Actis ©M‑Appeal | Quelle: DFF

Federico Actis
Director of the film VERA AND THE PLEASURE OF OTHERS (Competition »Youngsters«)

Online guest:
6 p.m. | DFF Cinema

MO, Oct. 7 
Mascha Halberstad
Mascha Halberstad ©Neue Visionen | Source: DFF

Mascha Halberstad
Director of the film FOX AND HARE SAVE THE FOREST (Competition »Kids« | Feature Film)

Online guest:
8:45 a.m. | Cinéma

Justine Bauer
Justine Bauer ©Semih Korhan | Source: DFF

Justine Bauer
Director of the film SMELL OF BURNT MILK (Competition »Teens« | Feature Film)

8:45 a.m. | DFF Cinema

Leif Lindblom
Leif Lindblom ©Betafilm | Source: DFF

Leif Lindblom
Director of the film THE PINCHERS’ HIGH VOLTAGE HEIST (Competition »Kids« | Feature Film)

11 a.m. | Cinéma

Eirik Sæter Stordahl
Eirik Sæter Stordahl ©Norwegian Film Institute | Source: DFF

Eirik Sæter Stordahl
Director of the film LARS IS LOL (Competition »Kids« | Feature Film)

11:15 a.m. | Cinéma

Fien Troch
Fien Troch ©Sofie Geysens | Source: DFF

Fien Troch
Director of the film HOLLY (Competition »Teens« | Feature Film)

Online guest:
5:30 p.m. | DFF Cinema

Col-lectiu Vigília
Col-lec­tiu Vigília ©Ringo Media | Source: DFF 

Clara Serrano Llorens, Gerard Simó Gimeno
Part of the film’s direc­ting coll­ec­ti­ve THE IMMINENT AGE (Competition »Youngsters«)

Online guest:
8 p.m. | DFF Cinema

TU, Oct. 8 
Leonard Mink ©Seehund Media
Leonard Mink ©Seehund Media

Leonard Mink
Director of the short film TREMOLO (Competition »Kids« | Short Film)

8:45 a.m. | DFF Cinema

Jorin Gundler
Responsible for the editing, sound and pro­duc­tion design of the short film TREMOLO (Competition »Kids« | Short Film)

8:45 a.m. | DFF Cinema

Lucy Cohen
Lucy Cohen ©Dorothy St Pictures | Source: DFF 

Lucy Cohen
Director of the film EDGE OF SUMMER (Competition »Teens« | Feature Film)

8:30 a.m. | Cinéma

Kristina Dufková
Kristina Dufková ©Goodfellas | Source: DFF

Kristina Dufková
Director of the film LIVING LARGE (Competition »Teens« | Feature Film)

Online guest:
11:00 a.m. | Cinéma

Jeremy Purcell
Jeremy Purcell ©WestEnd Films | Source: DFF

Jeremy Purcell
Director of the film PUFFIN ROCK AND THE NEW FRIENDS (Competition »Kids« | Feature Film)

Online guest:
11:15 a.m. | DFF Cinema

Leif Lindblom
Leif Lindblom ©Betafilm | Source: DFF

Leif Lindblom
Director of the film THE PINCHERS’ HIGH VOLTAGE HEIST (Competition »Kids« | Feature Film)

11:15 a.m. | Cinéma

Juan Sebastián Quebrada
Juan Sebastián Quebrada ©Film Factory Entertainment | Source: DFF

Juan Sebastián Quebrada
Director of the film THE OTHER SON (Competition »Youngsters«)

Online guest:
8 p.m. | DFF Cinema

Agata Novinski | Quelle: CEE Animation
HOLLY ©mk2 Films | Quelle: DFF

Agata Novinski
Producer of the film LIVING LARGE (Competition »Teens«)

Online guest:
11:00 a.m. | Cinéma

WE, Oct. 9 
Lucy Cohen
Lucy Cohen ©Dorothy St Pictures | Source: DFF 

Lucy Cohen
Director of the film EDGE OF SUMMER (Competition »Teens« | Feature Film)

8:45 a.m. | DFF Cinema

Rachel House
Rachel House ©Mark Taylor | Source: DFF

Rachel House
Director of the film THE MOUNTAIN (Competition »Kids« | Feature Film)

8:45 a.m. | Cinéma

Mascha Halberstad
Mascha Halberstad ©Neue Visionen | Source: DFF

Mascha Halberstad
Director of the film FOX AND HARE SAVE THE FOREST (Competition »Kids« | Feature Film)

Online guest:
11 a.m. | Cinéma

Franco García Becerra
Franco García Becerra ©Luxbox Films | Source: DFF

Franco García Becerra
Director of the film THROUGH ROCKS AND CLOUDS (Competition »Kids« | Feature Film)

Online guest:
11:15 a.m. | Cinéma

Eirik Sæter Stordahl
Eirik Sæter Stordahl ©Norwegian Film Institute | Source: DFF

Eirik Sæter Stordahl
Director of the film LARS IS LOL (Competition »Kids« | Feature Film)

11:15 a.m. | DFF Cinema

Muhammet Emin Altunkaynak
Muhammet Emin Altunkaynak

Muhammet Emin Altunkaynak
Director of the short film THE RAFFLE (Competition »Kids« | Short Film)

Online guest:
5 p.m. | DFF Cinema

Rúnar Rúnarsson
Rúnar Rúnarsson ©Claudia Hausfeld | Source: DFF

Rúnar Rúnarsson
Director of the film WHEN THE LIGHT BREAKS (Competition »Youngsters«)

Online guest:
7:30 p.m. | DFF Cinema

TH, Oct. 10 
Jeremy Purcell
Jeremy Purcell ©WestEnd Films | Source: DFF

Jeremy Purcell
Director of the film PUFFIN ROCK AND THE NEW FRIENDS (Competition »Kids« | Feature Film)

Online guest:
8:45 a.m. | Cinéma

Mahmut Taş
Mahmut Taş

Mahmut Taş
Director of the short film THE ISLAND (Competition »Kids« | Short Film)

9 a.m. | Cinéma

Rachel House
Rachel House ©Mark Taylor | Source: DFF

Rachel House
Director of the film THE MOUNTAIN (Competition »Kids« | Feature Film)

11 a.m. | Cinéma

Franco García Becerra
Franco García Becerra ©Luxbox Films | Source: DFF

Franco García Becerra
Director of the film THROUGH ROCKS AND CLOUDS (Competition »Kids« | Feature Film)

Online guest at the PANEL DISCUSSION: Images of Childhood – Children’s Films:
4 p.m. | DFF Cinema

FR, 11.10.
Zoljargal Purevdash
Zoljargal Purevdash ©First Hand Films | Source: DFF

Zoljargal Purevdash
Director of the film IF ONLY I COULD HIBERNATE (Competition »Teens« | Feature Film)

Online guest:
8:45 a.m. | Cinéma

LUCAS separation

Greetings 2024

Julia Fleißig ©Sabine Imhof
©Sabine Imhof

Head of Festival
Julia Fleißig


Flashback: “Polycrisis” was a term that alre­a­dy cha­rac­te­ri­zed the pre­vious fes­ti­val edi­ti­on, but the­re was hope that this year some of the cri­ses and con­flicts would be over­co­me. But things tur­ned out dif­fer­ent­ly. We for­med LUCAS #47 out of hope, and it was important to us to coun­ter the fee­ling of power­less­ness that is spre­a­ding here and the­re, not to con­ce­al the cri­ses, but to look for resi­li­ence in them. To crea­te a coun­ter­weight with sto­ries with future pro­s­pects, with glim­p­ses of light, with solu­ti­ons. Cinema can offer space to dream, to reflect, to enjoy and to grow, it helps to see things dif­fer­ent­ly and to under­stand things that were pre­vious­ly misun­ders­tood, it pro­vi­des impe­tus – some­ti­mes not­hing more is needed.

The com­mon thread run­ning through this year’s pro­gram is “Togetherness”. “Togetherness” may sound banal, but it’s not at all. For the »Young European Cinephiles«, it was the over­ar­ching the­me for their film sel­ec­tion con­sis­ting of LA HAINE, ISLE OF DOGS and KUBO AND THE TWO STRINGS, which they are pre­sen­ting during the fes­ti­val week. In the films in the com­pe­ti­ti­on »Kids«, the hero­i­nes and prot­ago­nists achie­ve their goals tog­e­ther after a few twists and turns, be it united against some­thing like a vio­lent storm, a bit­chy class­ma­te, a mega­lo­ma­niac bea­ver or explo­ita­ti­ve lar­ge cor­po­ra­ti­ons. But it’s always about the moment when the tide turns and the ‘against’ beco­mes a ‘fight for some­thing’: for a fai­rer world, for more tole­rance, for more inclu­si­on, for more envi­ron­men­tal protection.

In the com­pe­ti­ti­on »Teens«, things are bubbling more, but a lot remains on the thres­hold, alt­hough the doors are some­ti­mes wide open. It’s hel­pful for tog­e­ther­ness to chan­ge your per­spec­ti­ve from time to time, to expo­se yours­elf – to some­thing or someone –, to cross boun­da­ries that you pre­vious­ly thought were untoucha­ble, to go out, to take offen­se, to argue and hop­eful­ly come to an agree­ment. The strong »Teens« cha­rac­ters face chal­lenges, over­co­me hurd­les and obs­ta­cles and usual­ly learn some­thing com­ple­te­ly dif­fe­rent than they expec­ted at the begin­ning of their jour­ney. It’s also important to know whe­re you stand when it comes to working tog­e­ther. The main cha­rac­ters in the »Youngsters« com­pe­ti­ti­on have to search for, find and assert their own place in life – be it in desi­re, love or grief.

Working tog­e­ther is also the focus on Festival Sunday. The film par­cours »On Set« gives kids a look at team­work in film pro­duc­tions and allows them to actively enga­ge with the various depart­ments within a film team – from stunt­men to pro­duc­tion desi­gners, film­ma­kers pre­sent their work in various work­shop for­mats and invi­te them to join in. I’m also loo­king for­ward to the panel CHILDHOOD IN IMAGES – CHILDREN’S FILMS, which marks the start of a series of events orga­ni­zed by the Akademie für Kindermedien and looks at the lack of ori­gi­nal film sto­ries for the six to eight age segment.

I would like to express my heart­felt thanks to all the sup­port­ing insti­tu­ti­ons, all the peo­p­le who are fri­ends and part­ners and who work along­side us to keep film cul­tu­re ali­ve for young audi­en­ces – abo­ve all the fan­ta­stic LUCAS team.

May the Force be with the cine­ma­tic art, may count­less dreams be awa­ken­ed and may we dis­co­ver new hori­zons tog­e­ther and expe­ri­ence bril­li­ant movie moments!

Timon Gremmels ©Salome Roessler / lensandlight
©Salome Roessler / lensandlight

3 ques­ti­ons for … Timon Gremmels, Hessian Minister for Science and Research, Art and Culture 

What signi­fi­can­ce does film cul­tu­re have for a socie­ty and what role do film fes­ti­vals play for young audiences?
Culture is an important ele­ment of our demo­cra­cy and film is one of its most powerful forms of expres­si­on. Films mir­ror socie­ty, con­nect peo­p­le, enable the exch­an­ge of ide­as and pro­mo­te under­stan­ding and tole­rance for other ways of life. In order for them to have their full impact, they must of cour­se be seen. This is whe­re fes­ti­vals like LUCAS play a key role in making films acces­si­ble to a young audience.

What can a film fes­ti­val for young audi­en­ces do for up-and-coming film­ma­kers in Hessen?
At LUCAS, young film fans not only come into cont­act with inter­na­tio­nal film­ma­king, the fes­ti­val also enables them to come into cont­act with the medi­um of film them­sel­ves. For exam­p­le, on the Sunday of the fes­ti­val, October 6, child­ren and young peo­p­le will have the oppor­tu­ni­ty to gain an insight into the various trades invol­ved in film pro­duc­tion at the »On Set« film trail. Perhaps offers like the­se will give some of them an exci­ting impul­se for their later care­er choice.

Do you remem­ber a film expe­ri­ence that had a par­ti­cu­lar impact on you?
My god­child and I have a spe­cial rela­ti­onship with the cine­ma: regu­lar­ly wat­ching movies tog­e­ther is important to us. I find it exci­ting to see how movie tas­tes deve­lop, which actors and actres­ses are popu­lar with my god­child and which gen­res are popu­lar. Unfortunately, the visits are slow­ly beco­ming less fre­quent – you don’t want to go to the movies with your god­fa­ther all the time! –, but we’­ve had lots of gre­at movie expe­ri­en­ces tog­e­ther, from BIBI TINA to RHINEGOLD.

Mike Josef, Oberbürgermeister der Stadt Frankfurt am Main und Schirmherr von LUCAS ©Oliver Tamagnini
©Oliver Tamagnini

3 ques­ti­ons for …
Mike Josef, Lord Mayor of the City of Frankfurt am Main and patron of LUCAS 

What makes fes­ti­vals like LUCAS so valuable for young people?
Creating sophisti­ca­ted cul­tu­ral offe­rings for child­ren and young peo­p­le means more than just ful­fil­ling an edu­ca­tio­nal mis­si­on: Events such as the LUCAS film fes­ti­val con­tri­bu­te signi­fi­cant­ly to the social par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on of our young fel­low citi­zens. A gre­at deal is hap­pe­ning in Frankfurt on this topic, and I am par­ti­cu­lar­ly proud that Germany’s oldest film fes­ti­val for young audi­en­ces, with all its varie­ty of par­ti­ci­pa­to­ry offe­rings, is taking place here. LUCAS has been a plat­form for sophisti­ca­ted cine­ma for many years and is a per­fect fit for Frankfurt.

What are the main the­mes of the fes­ti­val that also affect the city of Frankfurt?
Quite a lot! For exam­p­le, I think it’s gre­at that LUCAS sen­si­ti­zes young audi­en­ces to other cul­tures through its inter­na­tio­nal pro­gram. People from 175 count­ries live tog­e­ther in Frankfurt, so it’s also important that they are all given an appro­pria­te level of visi­bi­li­ty. I am the­r­e­fo­re par­ti­cu­lar­ly loo­king for­ward to the pre­sen­ta­ti­on of the pro­ject class, which will deal with post-migrant cine­ma in Germany on the basis of the DFF exhi­bi­ti­on NEW VOICES.

What was the last movie you wat­ched with your children?
Our who­le fami­ly loves going to the movies. We recent­ly wat­ched INSIDE OUT 2. It was gre­at fun, we had alre­a­dy seen the first part.

Christine Kopf, Direktorin (kommissarisch) des DFF
©Sophie Schüler

3 ques­ti­ons for … Christine Kopf, Director (acting) of the DFF – Deutsches Filminstitut Filmmuseum 

What the­ma­tic focu­ses can young peo­p­le look for­ward to at LUCAS #47?
LUCAS is not only a plat­form for out­stan­ding films, but abo­ve all a place for encoun­ters and exch­an­ge. The fes­ti­val has always cele­bra­ted “tog­e­ther­ness” and in 2024 this is also the the­ma­tic focus for the »Young European Cinephiles«, who we invi­te to Frankfurt every year in a chan­ging line-up. This time, four film-loving young peo­p­le from Croatia and Germany are cura­ting their own series on the topic, which they will pre­sent in per­son. I’m loo­king for­ward to see­ing which facets of this mul­ti-laye­red con­cept have made it into the film sel­ec­tion of the »YECs«.

How do you look back on LUCAS as the pre­vious head of the Film Mediation department?
I am very proud of what the DFF achie­ves in the field of film edu­ca­ti­on, we value qua­li­ty and being ancho­red in film cul­tu­re, we work a lot in net­works, also inter­na­tio­nal­ly. In addi­ti­on to the approa­ches and pro­jects of the depart­ment I come from, a lot is also hap­pe­ning at LUCAS. LUCAS enables audi­en­ces of all ages to encoun­ter unu­su­al films from all over the world, but the prin­ci­ple of »Get Involved!« is also firm­ly ancho­red in the con­cept. There has been a wide ran­ge of par­ti­ci­pa­to­ry offe­rings for many years.

What syn­er­gies are the­re bet­ween the DFF and LUCAS?
For a num­ber of pro­grams, the fes­ti­val is in exch­an­ge with very dif­fe­rent are­as of the DFF. For exam­p­le, every year LUCAS deve­lo­ps new crea­ti­ve ide­as for deal­ing with the cur­rent spe­cial exhi­bi­ti­on and the »Focus.Film.Class« takes a clo­se look at NEW VOICES. GERMAN CINEMA SINCE 2000. In addi­ti­on, LUCAS offers a stage for other DFF film edu­ca­ti­on pro­jects with the film club »Blickwechsel Jetzt!« and the »Minis«.

LUCAS separation

Sponsors and Partnerships 2024

LUCAS welcomes all guests to the

DFF – Deutsches Filminstitut & Filmmuseum
Caligari FilmBühne
Kino im Hafen 2

Media Partnerships

Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung
Journal Frankfurt
Radio Frankfurt