The 47th edi­ti­on of LUCAS Film Festival, orga­ni­zed by the DFF – Deutsches Filminstitut & Filmmuseum, ended on Friday with a fes­ti­ve awards cerem­o­ny. PUFFIN ROCK AND THE NEW FRIENDS, WE GROWN NOW and THE OTHER SON recei­ved awards as the best inter­na­tio­nal fea­ture-length films for young audi­en­ces. The short film THE STORM IN HER HEART was hono­red with the award for out­stan­ding cine­ma­tic achie­ve­ment. The pri­zes for the best short films go to GAME RULES in the Competition »Kids« and GIRL NO. 60427 in the Competition »Teens«. Festival direc­tor Julia Fleißig con­gra­tu­la­ted the award win­ners at the DFF Cinema.

Award-winning films in the Feature Film Competitions

Competition »Kids«

Award for the Best Short Film (2,000 €)
GAME RULES (SE 2024. D: Christian Zetterberg)


Theo’s hand­ball team pre­fers to play as a mixed team. But at the big tour­na­ment, the sexes are strict­ly segre­ga­ted and Theo has to fit in. When the oppo­sing coach lodges a com­plaint, suc­cess and digni­ty are at stake.

Statement of the Jury Competition »Kids«
Always sti­cking to the rules does not do jus­ti­ce to every situa­ti­on. In the hand­ball tour­na­ment, the play­ers are sepa­ra­ted by gen­der. This can­not reflect the broad spec­trum of iden­ti­ties. The main cha­rac­ter, Theo, navi­ga­tes bet­ween his own iden­ti­ty and social expec­ta­ti­ons. The film mana­ges to make a com­plex topic tan­gi­ble and pre­cis­e­ly show a situa­ti­on in which the right action is not imme­dia­te­ly clear. What is fair? Ultimately, the team does­n’t want to play by the rules and stands up for Theo.

Award for the Best Feature Film (5,000 €)
Donated by Sparkassen-Kulturstiftung Hessen-Thüringen


Every year, puf­fins from all over the world flock to the small island of Puffin Rock off the Irish coast. This time, Isabelle is one of the new arri­vals. Because her home island is no lon­ger habi­ta­ble, she and her fami­ly have had to lea­ve it for good. Nevertheless, she is imme­dia­te­ly ent­rus­ted with an important task: to guard an egg. But it sud­den­ly dis­ap­pears wit­hout a trace. And then a vio­lent storm hits. This ani­ma­ted film tells a very gent­le sto­ry of fri­end­ship and soli­da­ri­ty, but also of expe­ri­en­ces of flight and belonging.

Statement of the Jury Competition »Kids«
First of all, we would like to prai­se all the films we have seen! They are all spe­cial and we had a gre­at time at the movies with this com­pe­ti­ti­on. The movie that final­ly made it to the top made important and com­pli­ca­ted topics clear for the youn­gest audi­ence. Friendships have to be nur­tu­red, it’s hard to lose your home and find your feet all alo­ne, mista­kes can hap­pen, but you have to stand by them. Our favo­ri­te PUFFIN ROCK tells all this in an exci­ting, har­mo­nious and com­pre­hen­si­ble way, not only for the youn­gest, but also for us — in a won­derful ani­ma­ti­on style.

Competition »Teens«

Special Mention Short Film
ALONE TOGETHER (IR 2024. D: Omid Mirzaei)

The breath cat­ches, the pul­se beats up to the throat: row after row, a poli­ce­man checks the bus pas­sen­gers at the bor­der with Iran. Among them is a ten-year-old boy, appar­ent­ly tra­ve­ling alo­ne. An incri­mi­na­ting find forces him into interrogation.

Statement of the Jury Competition »Teens«
As a jury, we have taken it upon our­sel­ves not to award ‘hono­rable men­ti­ons’ light­ly. The child actor in par­ti­cu­lar ama­zed us. From the very first sce­ne, you could iden­ti­fy with him through his acting. We were quick­ly drawn into a dif­fe­rent rea­li­ty; that of a litt­le boy in a dif­fi­cult situa­ti­on. Themes such as jus­ti­ce, respon­si­bi­li­ty and fami­ly are por­tray­ed and con­vey­ed through the cha­rac­ters, making the movie rele­vant to the world.

Award for the Best Short Film (2.000 €)
GIRL NO. 60427 (IL 2022. D: Shulamit Lifshitz, Oriel Berkovits)
– German Premiere at LUCAS –

GIRL NO. 60427

Reut finds a secret dra­wer in which a dia­ry is hid­den. It belongs to her grand­mo­ther. When Reut reads it, her vaca­ti­on with her grand­mo­ther turns into a for­ma­ti­ve expe­ri­ence and her rela­ti­onship with her chan­ges forever.

Statement of the Jury Competition »Teens«
We give the award for the best short film to a very tou­ch­ing and important movie. We lik­ed the way it was ani­ma­ted. They show­ed that the ter­ri­ble past should open our eyes and that we need to talk and inform our­sel­ves about the histo­ry of the Holocaust. The movie draws you in from the very first minu­te. All the jury mem­bers agreed that this film should recei­ve an award.

Award for an Outstanding Cinematic Achievement (2,000 €)
– German Premiere at LUCAS –

The sum­mer vaca­ti­on awa­kens a sea of emo­ti­ons in Xiaoyue. While she looks nost­al­gi­cal­ly at the river sur­roun­ded by cliffs as a fami­li­ar place of rela­xa­ti­on, fee­lings of lust awa­ken. A con­fu­sing rela­ti­onship deve­lo­ps with one of her father’s cli­ents: magi­cal, but also dangerous.

Statement of the Jury Competition »Teens«
We defi­ned the requi­re­ment for this award as a spe­cial achie­ve­ment in terms of audio­vi­su­al sto­rytel­ling, i.e. in the are­as of aes­the­tics, tech­no­lo­gy and cine­ma­to­gra­phy; what you see, feel and hear. One movie caught our eye. Although the­re was hard­ly any dia­lo­gue, the film has gre­at mea­ning and tells the sto­ry of a young per­son start­ing a new life after being belitt­led and under­mi­ned. The film deals with the­mes of chan­ge, inde­pen­dence and equa­li­ty. Close-ups and their color palet­tes make you feel like you’­re wat­ching a poem. The sub­jects were detail­ed, which made us feel immer­sed in the movie.

Award for the Best Feature Film (5,000 €)
WE GROWN NOW (US 2023. D: Minhal Baig)
– German Premiere at LUCAS –


Learning to fly. Not so easy when you grow up in the Cabrini-Green housing pro­ject, a social hot­spot in Chicago. While Michael Jordan beco­mes a world-famous star in the sum­mer of 1992, fri­ends Eric and Malik dream of a pro­mi­sing future. But how can you learn to fly when the world wants to shack­le you? And what hap­pens to a fri­end­ship when one of the two fri­ends sud­den­ly has to move away?

Statement of the Jury Competition »Teens«
For us, the­re was a fea­ture-length film that con­vin­ced us on all levels. It tells an emo­tio­nal sto­ry about a fri­end­ship bet­ween two boys that deve­lo­ps in a bad time in a bad place and con­fronts them with various tri­als. The movie deals with the­mes such as fol­lo­wing one’s dreams, iden­ti­ty, ori­gin and inde­pen­dence from par­ents. We were also impres­sed by the cine­ma­to­gra­phy, set design and other levels of film­ma­king. We think that the key points of the movie are very well rea­li­zed and important for teenagers.

Competition »Youngsters«

LUCAS »Youngsters« Award (5,000 €)
THE OTHER SON (CO/AR/FR 2023. D: Juan Sebastián Quebrada)
– German Premiere at LUCAS –


Young, free and into­xi­ca­ted, Simón, his brot­her Federico and his cli­que are on their way to a par­ty. But the exu­berant par­ty ends in dis­as­ter and not­hing is as it was: Simón is dead. How should Federico deal with this loss? He would pre­fer ever­y­thing to go on as nor­mal. Only Laura, his brother’s ex-girl­fri­end, seems to under­stand him. Slowly, the two grow closer.

Statement of the Jury Competition »Youngsters«
It was very dif­fi­cult to choo­se one movie as the win­ner, not only becau­se they are so dif­fe­rent, but also becau­se they are all so gre­at. In the end, we cho­se this movie becau­se the sto­ry felt so real and the topic is so rele­vant to our age group. After wat­ching the movie and hea­ring the back­story in the film talk with the direc­tor, we felt so con­nec­ted to the cha­rac­ters’ fee­lings and expe­ri­en­ces. The actors were incre­di­ble and the film­ing was unforgettable.

All Sections

SAVAGES (CH/FR/BE 2024. D: Claude Barras)

Eleven-year-old Kéria res­cues a baby oran­gut­an with her father at his work­place, a palm oil plan­ta­ti­on. At the same time, her cou­sin Selaï comes to stay with them becau­se a lar­ge com­pa­ny wants to des­troy his family’s habi­tat in order to pro­du­ce palm oil The sty­lish Kéria is initi­al­ly embar­ras­sed by her indi­ge­nous rela­ti­ve, but Kéria soon dis­co­vers her roots and finds hers­elf in the midd­le of a con­flict with big business.

Statement of the ECFA-Jury
An authen­tic, rich sound design, a pas­si­on for detail and uni­que cha­rac­ters take the audi­ence on a jour­ney. The movie cap­tures both per­so­nal and coll­ec­ti­ve strug­gles. It is bold and rele­vant in its sub­ject mat­ter and style. It makes a very com­plex sub­ject tan­gi­ble for a young audi­ence – con­gra­tu­la­ti­ons to direc­tor Claude Barras and his enti­re team for SAVAGES, an out­stan­ding ani­ma­ted film.

Bridging the Borders Award: Special Mention
MILCH INS FEUER (DE 2024. D: Justine Bauer)

What does rural life have in store for young peo­p­le? 17-year-old Katinka wants to beco­me a far­mer. But as we all know, the farm is inhe­ri­ted by men and the dairy busi­ness has not been pro­fi­ta­ble for some time. Katinka does­n’t want to go any­whe­re else, becau­se here she has natu­re, ani­mals and her fri­ends. Where others see no future, Katinka tri­es to build one for hers­elf, in defi­ance of tradition.

Bridging The Borders Award
FOREIGN LANGUAGE (FR/DE/BE 2024. D: Claire Burger)

Fanny from France tra­vels to Leipzig for a school exch­an­ge. Her part­ner is Léna, who longs to immer­se hers­elf in poli­ti­cal acti­vism. Fanny is attrac­ted to Léna and does ever­y­thing she can to impress her. After some initi­al skep­ti­cism, the two young women even­tual­ly grow clo­ser. Initially fri­end­ly, the fee­lings bet­ween the two chan­ge at a par­ty. A Franco-German decla­ra­ti­on of love that also cap­tures the fears of Generation Z about the future.

LARS IS LOL (NO 2023. D: Eirik Sæter Stordahl )

Initially reluc­tant­ly, Amanda agrees to sup­port her new class­ma­te Lars in ever­y­day school life. He has Down’s syn­dro­me. However, she soon rea­li­zes that Lars and she have more in com­mon than initi­al­ly assu­med — espe­ci­al­ly their love of Harry Potter. But Amanda allows hers­elf to be influen­ced by the opi­ni­ons of the sup­po­sedly “cool kids” and puts her fri­end­ship with Lars at risk. Bullying is the result. Can he for­gi­ve her?