Jules en ik. Belgium 2021. Director: Anne Ballon. 15 Min. Documentary. OV w/. Engl. Subs. and Ger. voice-over. Recommended from age 6.

Roos and Jules, an inge­nious sis­ter com­bo. However, one thing upsets Roos: Jules’ tran­si­ti­on pro­cess to her new gen­der takes up a lot of space in the fami­ly life. But Roos makes sure that the two con­ti­nue to stick together.

MO, 4.10. | 8:30 a.m. | Cinéma
DO, 7.10. | 8:45 a.m. | Cinéma

This film is part of the short film pro­gram 4.

Extras and Mitmischen!

LUCAS im Kino

Film talks

LUCAS im Kino

Educational material


2021 JULES EN IK (debut)


After com­ple­ting her film stu­dies, Anne Ballon deve­lo­ped a fasci­na­ti­on for docu­men­ta­ries and their social explo­si­ve power. She hopes to make an impact on socie­ty with films that incor­po­ra­te her expe­ri­en­ces from the social sec­tor and her Master’s degree in Gender Studies.