LUCAS – International Festival for Young Film Lovers #48 from September 25th to October 2nd, 2025

Lights out at LUCAS #48: From September 25th to October 2nd, 2025, Germany’s oldest film fes­ti­val for young audi­en­ces pres­ents award-win­ning cine­ma­tic art for ever­yo­ne from three years to 18plus. Families and film lovers of all ages can look for­ward to out­stan­ding cine­ma expe­ri­en­ces in Frankfurt, Offenbach and Wiesbaden.

At the heart of LUCAS are the com­pe­ti­ti­ons in the »Kids«, »Teens« and »Youngsters« sec­tions. In addi­ti­on to the com­pe­ti­ti­on pro­gram, the fes­ti­val shows clas­sics of film histo­ry, short films for the very youn­gest and other pro­grams, some of which are desi­gned by child­ren and young peo­p­le. During the fes­ti­val week, a spe­cial focus is pla­ced on the film talks, in which film­ma­kers from all over the world enter into dia­log with the audience.

Participation at LUCAS means “Get Involved!”: As mode­ra­tors, jury mem­bers or film cri­tics, as fes­ti­val repor­ters or cura­tors, young peo­p­le are invi­ted to help shape the fes­ti­val in a varie­ty of ways.

For repre­sen­ta­ti­ves of the film indus­try, spe­cia­list con­fe­ren­ces and panel dis­cus­sions are held that deal with topics of film edu­ca­ti­on and cur­rent trends in child­ren’s and youth film production.

LUCAS – Internationales Festival is orga­ni­zed by DFF – Deutsches Filminstitut & Filmmuseum e.V..

LUCAS separation

Competitions and Awards


In the com­pe­ti­ti­ons of the »Kids«, »Teens« and »Youngsters« sec­tions, LUCAS pres­ents a sel­ec­tion of out­stan­ding inter­na­tio­nal fea­ture films, docu­men­ta­ries, ani­ma­ted films and expe­ri­men­tal films. A total of 21 fea­ture-length films and 18 short films will be com­pe­ting for the cove­ted LUCAS awards in 2024.

The fea­ture-length films have a run­ning time of more than 59 minu­tes and have not yet been released in German cine­mas. A sel­ec­tion com­mit­tee tra­vels to fes­ti­vals and indus­try mee­tings to choo­se com­pe­ti­ti­on ent­ries for the »Kids«, »Teens« and »Youngsters« sec­tions from the stron­gest cur­rent pro­duc­tions world­wi­de. It’s not pre­mie­re sta­tus, but qua­li­ty alo­ne that counts!

In recent years, LUCAS has gai­ned a spe­cial repu­ta­ti­on with its short film com­pe­ti­ti­on. A sel­ec­tion com­mit­tee puts tog­e­ther seve­ral com­pe­ti­ti­on pro­grams for the »Kids« und »Teens« sec­tions from the best inter­na­tio­nal sub­mis­si­ons up to 30 minu­tes in length, many of which are German premieres.


Competition »Kids«

  • Award for the Best Feature Film (5,000 €) dona­ted by the Sparkassen-Kulturstiftung Hessen-Thüringen
  • Award for the Best Short Film (2,000 €)

Competition »Teens«

  • Award for the Best Feature Film (5,000 €)
  • Award for the Best Short Film (2,000 €)
  • Award for an Outstanding Cinematic Achievement (2,000 €)

Competition »Youngsters«

  • LUCAS »Youngsters« Award (5,000 €)

All Sections

  • ECFA Award
  • Bridging the Borders Award
  • Audience Award
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Selection Committee 2024

In order to net­work LUCAS even bet­ter and to streng­then the lively exch­an­ge about the pro­gram, the fes­ti­val has appoin­ted a sel­ec­tion com­mit­tee for fea­ture-length films and a sel­ec­tion com­mit­tee for short films, which view the films and sel­ect them for the com­pe­ti­ti­ons »Kids«, »Teens« and »Youngsters« com­pe­ti­ti­ons. In addi­ti­on to Julia Fleißig, the fes­ti­val direc­tor of LUCAS, the com­mis­si­ons are made up of five other pro­ven film experts.

Selection Committee Feature Film 
Kirsten Taylor

Kirsten Taylor
Editor, film edu­ca­tor and author

Kirsten Taylor is an edi­tor at the film edu­ca­ti­on por­tal and a free­lan­ce film edu­ca­tor, inclu­ding for the pro­ject “Filmklassiker sehen — Filme ver­ste­hen”, which was initia­ted by the Deutsche Filmakademie, as well as for the SchulKinoWochen. She also wri­tes film reviews and pre­pa­res film app­raisals. One focus of her work is child­ren’s and youth films.

Stefan Stiletto

Stefan Stiletto
Film edu­ca­tor and film journalist

Stefan Stiletto is a free­lan­ce film edu­ca­tor, film jour­na­list and edi­tor. He designs and crea­tes film edu­ca­ti­on mate­ri­als, wri­tes for Filmdienst, Kinderfilmwelt, Kinder- und Jugend-Filmportal and, among others, and runs trai­ning cour­ses for mul­ti­pli­ers as well as work­shops for child­ren and young peo­p­le on all kinds of film edu­ca­ti­on topics.


Rochus Wolff
Film cri­tic, aut­hor and lecturer

Rochus Wolff is a free­lan­ce film cri­tic and aut­hor; his publi­ca­ti­ons include Kino-Zeit, Filmdienst, Kinderfilmwelt, the Kinder- und Jugendfilmportal and his blog He has alre­a­dy published two books on child­ren’s films, “33 bes­te Kinderfilme” and “100 Kinderfilme für alle Tage”. He also gives work­shops on child­ren’s films and film criticism.

Short Film Selection Committee 
Holger Twele

Holger Twele
Journalist and film educator

Holger Twele is a free­lan­ce film jour­na­list and film edu­ca­tor and has work­ed for many years for the Bundesverband Jugend und Film, the Deutsche Kinder- und Jugenfilmzentrum and the Bundeszentrale für poli­ti­sche Bildung, among others.

Dr. Ursula Vossen

Dr. Ursula Vossen
Producer and aut­hor / HessenInvestFilm

Dr. Ursula Vossen has many years of expe­ri­ence as a pro­du­cer for tele­vi­si­on and film as well as in film pro­mo­ti­on. She is the aut­hor of num­e­rous books and artic­les on film studies.

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Sponsors and Partnerships 2024

LUCAS welcomes all guests to the

DFF – Deutsches Filminstitut & Filmmuseum
Caligari FilmBühne
Kino im Hafen 2

Media Partnerships

Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung
Journal Frankfurt
Radio Frankfurt