LUCAS presents SCRAPPER at Filmsommer Mainz

From August 26 to 31, the Filmsommer Mainz cele­bra­tes its 11th edi­ti­on in the open air at the Kulturei at the Mainz Citadel. This year, LUCAS will once again be pre­sen­ting a film from last year’s fes­ti­val pro­gram: on Friday, August 30, Charlotte Regan’s SCRAPPER, which has alre­a­dy won pri­zes at the Sundance Film Festival and the European Film Awards. Admission to the event is free, the film starts at 20:30.

SCRAPPER tells the sto­ry of Georgie, who has been living alo­ne in a coun­cil apart­ment in London sin­ce the death of her mother and cle­ver­ly fends off calls from worried social workers. She ear­ns a litt­le money by ste­al­ing. Georgie is only sad some­ti­mes when she lis­tens to an old voice­mail mes­sa­ge from her mother. Then one day a stran­ge man appears at the door clai­ming to be her father. Is he a gangs­ter? Or even a vam­pi­re? Slowly she gets invol­ved with Jason, who is some­ti­mes much more of a child than she is. Summery, light and full of humor, the film tells the sto­ry of the two of them gro­wing clo­ser and beco­ming child­ren again. 

At Filmsommer Mainz, a wide audi­ence can enjoy short, fea­ture-length and docu­men­ta­ry films — free of char­ge and out­doors. There is also a varied sup­port­ing pro­gram with live music and film talks, culina­ry delights, Rhine-Hessian wine cul­tu­re, the new Citadel beer and acti­ve net­wor­king of regio­nal film cul­tu­re. What once began as a small film event has now firm­ly estab­lished its­elf in the Mainz cul­tu­ral scene.