
NEW VOICES IN GERMAN CINEMA UNDER THE LENS: Hardly any other city is as repre­sen­ta­ti­ve of post-migrant film­ma­king in Germany as Berlin. An 8th gra­de class at Frankfurt’s Otto Hahn School focu­ses on Soleen Yusef’s WINNERS, which marks the restart of the Mona, a refu­gee from Syria, at a rough school in Wedding.

In the con­text of the cur­rent DFF spe­cial exhi­bi­ti­on NEW VOICES. GERMAN CINEMA SINCE 2000, the pro­ject class will exami­ne the film from the per­spec­ti­ve of cul­tu­ral­ly diver­se film­ma­king. The visit to the spe­cial exhi­bi­ti­on and accom­pany­ing work­shop units pro­vi­de impul­ses for a deeper reflec­tion on the rea­li­ties in SIEGER SEIN in com­pa­ri­son with the per­so­nal lives of the mem­bers of the school class. To what ext­ent does the film offer an oppor­tu­ni­ty to nego­tia­te ques­ti­ons about belon­ging and iden­ti­ty in today’s German socie­ty? What signi­fi­can­ce does lan­guage have for peaceful, demo­cra­tic coexis­tence? Does sport even unite more than a com­mon lan­guage? The »Focus.Film.Class« will pre­sent their fin­dings fol­lo­wing the scree­ning of WINNERS. Margret Albers, pro­ject mana­ger of the fun­ding pro­gram “Der beson­de­re Kinderfilm”, under which WINNERS was deve­lo­ped, will also be a guest. The scree­ning at the DFF cine­ma is open to the public and can be booked.

Click here for the pro­gram and tickets:


DE 2024. D: Soleen Yusef.