Do you love cine­ma, would you like to swap the class­room for the movie thea­ter for a week and have an in-depth dis­cus­sion about films?

Participation in the jury allows you to spend a week wat­ching out­stan­ding films from around the world in the movie thea­ter and, in coope­ra­ti­on with your peers and adult indus­try pro­fes­sio­nals, deci­de on the best films in the com­pe­ti­ti­on and the awar­ding of pri­ze money. The pre­sen­ta­ti­on of the win­ning films at the award cerem­o­ny con­cludes the fes­ti­val week full of exci­ting expe­ri­en­ces and per­so­nal exch­an­ges. An exci­ting artic­le about the jury work at LUCAS can be found on the child­ren’s and youth film por­tal has been published! Children who are bet­ween ten and twel­ve years old during the fes­ti­val week can app­ly for the jury in the “Kids” com­pe­ti­ti­on. Young appli­cants for the jury in the “Teens” com­pe­ti­ti­on should also be able to speak English and be bet­ween 14 and 18 years old during the fes­ti­val week. The sel­ec­ted par­ti­ci­pan­ts will be exempt from com­pul­so­ry school atten­dance for the dura­ti­on of the fes­ti­val week. Are you inte­res­ted? Then fill out our appli­ca­ti­on form now until April 17, 2024 . jury appli­ca­ti­on form and send it tog­e­ther with a short film review to Good luck!

TIP: Get ideas on how to write a movie review here!

  • You can regis­ter for an online work­shop that will take place on Saturday, 9.3.2024, 11–12 am. To regis­ter, plea­se call or send an e‑mail (069/961 220 672 or
  • Get tips from the DFF web­site:
  • or look here on the “review win­dow” page, whe­re you can find more movie reviews from young movie fans

Download jury application form

Do you have any questions?

Contact: | Tel: 069 961 220 672