LUCAS at the Museumsuferfest 2024

The LUCAS creative tent at the Museumsuferfest 2023

The who­le of Frankfurt am Main and the sur­roun­ding area is buz­zing with exci­te­ment and peo­p­le are alre­a­dy flo­cking to the Museumsufer: This weekend, from August 23 to 25, the Museumsuferfest will take place — and LUCAS will also be there!

On Saturday, August 24, and Sunday, August 25, the LUCAS tent oppo­si­te the DFF will be open from 11 am to 6 pm. Visitors young and old can make but­tons, knot brace­lets and win attrac­ti­ve pri­zes on the wheel of for­tu­ne. What’s more, a visit to the LUCAS tent offers the chan­ce to leaf through the fresh­ly prin­ted fes­ti­val news­pa­per and take a look at the LUCAS #47 pro­gram for the first time. More infor­ma­ti­on on the DFF’s MUF pro­gram can be found here (in German).