Contact and Advice:
Tel: 069 961 220 – 672
Workshops for School Classes

Film Patronship
Curtain up for the »Film Patrons«! The »Film Patron« classes organize the screening of a competition film at the festival in their own individual way. Preparation begins at school a few weeks prior. After viewing, discussing and analysing film under professional guidance, the heart of the project begins with a creative preparation in small groups. Whether its specially designed posters, re-enacted scenes, further developed dialogues or character portraits: students have a great deal of freedom in their project work and can contribute their own talents and preferences. This results in individual presentations that offer the film guests and the festival audience added value to the film screening and enrich the patron class with a film-cultural experience.
Background information and schedule:
In consultation with teachers, the LUCAS team selects a suitable film for the patronship at the end of the summer vacation. In addition to the age group, thematic and aesthetic references, current learning objectives are taken into account in the choice of the film. At the three subsequent workshop dates in school, the presentation is created, which accompanies the film screening at the festival.
The »Film Patrons’« online presentation of MISSION ULJA FUNK serves as an example.

Screen Talks
A »Screen Talk« offers the ideal opportunity to deepen the LUCAS film experiencen with an intensive film discussion with guests. In the undisturbed atmosphere of a workshop room and with the support of a film educator, the group can pepper the filmmakers with questions: Why was this camera angle chosen, what idea is the script based on, what is the message behind the ending?
Background information and timeline:
In the run-up to the festival, teachers agree with the LUCAS team on a cinema screening followed by a »Screen Talk«. The duration of the »Screen Talk« is 60–90 minutes.

In what film historical context does a work stand? What characteristics does it have in order to find its unique place in film history? Children and young people ask themselves this question in their examination of the content and aesthetics of a selected film. Along the special exhibition NEUE STIMMEN. DEUTSCHES KINO SEIT 2000, the Focus.Film.Class takes a closer look at SIEGER SEIN (DE 2024. D: Soleen Yusef), a current work that exemplifies post-migrant filmmaking in Germany.
Background information and schedule:
In consultation with teachers, the LUCAS team selects a work in the spring as part of the DFF’s special exhibition. Accompanied by film educators, the school class prepares for the screening at the festival in three workshop dates at the beginning of the new school year.
Further information about the »Focus.Film.Class« at LUCAS #47

Exchange Meetings
LUCAS invites interested teachers and multipliers to the DFF on regular dates in spring and before the summer vacations to introduce them to the festival and learn about their needs. Opportunities for cooperation are discussed, initial program highlights are introsduced and workshops that can still be booked are presented. The common goal: to strengthen film as a mediating and artistic medium in schools and to excited students for extraordinary cinema.
The dates for the 2025 exchange meetings will be published here at the beginning of the year.
Teacher Trainings
Current dates and registration
The training courses can be found on the Wochenplan of the Schulportal Hessen. Search keywords are the course formats LUCAS, film festival and film education.
We look forward to welcoming you to the 47th edition of LUCAS – International Festival for Young Film Lovers in the fall.
Further information and registration: | 069 961 220 – 672

Educational Material
For the entries in the »Kids« and »Teens« feature-length film competitions, experienced film educators compile educational film material that can be obtained free of charge by teachers and interested parties and is sent digitally with every film group booking. The materials enable school classes and other groups to take an introductory or in-depth look at the competition films, based on the standards of the DFF’s guiding principles for film education.
The Educational Material for the upcoming festival edition will be available here from the beginning of September.

Festival Reporters
Interviewing directors, cast and producers and capturing the festival atmosphere? If you want to get up close and personal with the filmmakers as a reporter, the project »Festival Reporters« is just the thing for you. Together with your school class you will be guided by media educators during every step of the production process, from the shooting schedule to the finished report. The teacher is actively involved in the implementation of the project and supervises a production group after a full-day training course. The finished report is then broadcasted via TV and livestream on Offener Kanal Rhein-Main and is also available at »Festival Reporters« is a project of the Medienprojektzentrum Offener Kanal (MOK) Rhein-Main in cooperation with LUCAS – International Festival for Young Film Lovers.
Background information and schedule:
The selection of the »Festival Reporters« class is carried out by the Medienprojektzentrum Offener Kanal (MOK) Rhein-Main. After a preparatory workshop, the group shoots their reports during the festival week.

LUCAS on Tour
LUCAS films go on tour and make it possible to participate in LUCAS all year round to appreciate the festival program in a sustainable and far-reaching way. To this end, the team works closely with the DFF project FILMmobil, which sends former competition films on the road and integrates them into exciting film education programs. Eschborn is also an important place for LUCAS every year with a screening after the festival week in front of students from local schools.