Young European Cinephiles

EVERY YEAR LUCAS INVITES YOUNG PEOPLE FROM EUROPE TO BECOME »YECs« AND SHARE THEIR VISION OF CINEMA TO EXPRESS THEMSELVES. This year, four young peo­p­le from Croatia and Germany will pre­sent the LUCAS audi­ence their own sel­ec­tion of films on the topic of “tog­e­ther­ness” and dis­cuss them with the audience.

Hardly any other medi­um brings peo­p­le tog­e­ther like film — both during its pro­duc­tion and con­sump­ti­on. In the crea­ti­on of moving images, a multi­tu­de of trades form an artis­tic unit. In its recep­ti­on, it unites peo­p­le as a com­mon audi­ence, usual­ly eager for an exch­an­ge. Often about cha­rac­ters and their rela­ti­onships, about the sup­port of their bio­lo­gi­cal or cho­sen fami­ly or about fin­ding com­mon ground in a collective.

“Films that real­ly focus on tog­e­ther­ness empha­si­ze the bonds bet­ween peo­p­le and the strength found in mutu­al sup­port,” empha­si­zes Dominik from Croatia.

This year’s group of »Young European Cinephiles« has been explo­ring the cine­ma­tic impact of “tog­e­ther­ness” sin­ce spring with inten­si­ve rese­arch and in online work­shops, with the aim of pre­sen­ting a spe­ci­al­ly cura­ted film series to the LUCAS audi­ence. An important approach for the young mem­bers are the bonds of fri­end­ship and fami­ly, who­se powerful inter­ac­tion “can over­co­me even the most dan­ge­rous obs­ta­cles”, says Vincent from Germany. More spe­ci­fi­cal­ly, the group was fasci­na­ted by the strong sen­se of tog­e­ther­ness in times of cri­sis: “soli­da­ri­ty and sup­port” in the face of a com­mon ene­my. “Togetherness in film is very important, becau­se it’s real­ly one of the only aspects of a movie that can shi­ne some light in very dark situa­tions,” explains Dominik. The »Young European Cinephiles« also want to start a con­ver­sa­ti­on with the audi­ence, both with their peers and with youn­ger peo­p­le, about the strong bonds of com­mu­ni­ties. “Togetherness is an important value for peo­p­le of all ages to learn about and dis­cuss, and vie­w­ing it through movies is both a good way to impart it on child­ren and rein­force its importance to adults,” sum­ma­ri­zes Eva from Croatia. Their sel­ec­tion thus results in films for dif­fe­rent age groups: Separated by gen­re, tog­e­ther they stand for excep­tio­nal cine­ma­tic quality.

Eva Romana Cvijetić (17, Croatia)
Aaron Deubel (16, Germany)
Vincent Eckert (17, Germany)
Dominik Velčić (16, Croatia)

Click here for the »Young European Cinephiles« film sel­ec­tion and tickets:


FR 1995. D: Mathieu Kassovitz. 


US 2016. D: Travis Knight.


US/DE 2018. D: Wes Anderson.