Sieger Sein. DE 2024. D: Soleen Yusef. S: Soleen Yusef, Heide Schwochow. 119 min. Feature film. German ori­gi­nal ver­si­on. FSK 6. Recommended from age 9.

“Mona has fled Syria with her fami­ly and now attends an ele­men­ta­ry school in Berlin’s Wedding dis­trict. Mona’s frus­tra­ti­on levels are con­stant­ly rising — as are tho­se of her over­bur­den­ed tea­chers and class­ma­tes from a wide ran­ge of back­grounds. Mona can bare­ly speak German, but she can play soc­cer. The dedi­ca­ted tea­cher Mr. Chepovsky reco­gni­zes her extra­or­di­na­ry talent and includes her in his girls’ team. But get­ting along with the other girls is more dif­fi­cult than expec­ted. Each of them is a figh­ter, but they can only win if they play tog­e­ther.” (trans­la­ted from “Der beson­de­re Kinderfilm”)

Dates and Movie Tickets
TH, Oct. 10 | 9 a.m. | DFF Cinema

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