Boyus. KG 2024. D: Dante Rustav (co-cura­tor), Children Laboratory ATOM. 14 min. Animated film. Original ver­si­on with English sub­tit­les and German voice-over. Suitable from age 6. 

A rhyth­mic clack­ing mixed with sta­tic noi­se. A sce­na­rio span­ned by a trans­pa­rent tar­pau­lin and figu­res made of paper. SCARED is an expe­ri­men­tal and phi­lo­so­phi­cal col­la­ge about the fears and worries of young peo­p­le. (RK)


Dates and Movie Tickets
MO, Oct. 7 | 11:30 a.m. | Cinéma
This film is part of the short film pro­gram 3.

Extras and Get Involved!

LUCAS im Kino

Film Guests and Film Talks in Advance

LUCAS im Kino

Educational Material (in German)