Eggshell. Ireland/ Italy 2020. Director: Ryan William Harris.14 Min. Feature film. OV w/. Engl. Subs. and Ger. voice-over. Recommended from age 6.

Joey keeps his robot hel­met on. This makes the hosti­le out­side world seem a litt­le less dan­ge­rous. Joey has to con­front the harsh rea­li­ty of Irish sub­ur­bia with ple­nty of his vivid imagination.

TU, 5.10. | 8:45 a.m. | Cinéma
TH, 7.10. | 10:45 a.m. | Cinéma

This film is part of the short film pro­gram 3.

Extras and Mitmischen!

LUCAS im Kino

Film talks

LUCAS im Kino

Educational material


2020 EGGSHELL (debut)


Ryan William Harris is an Irish direc­tor and film­ma­ker. He stu­di­ed Cinematography at the Paolo Toschi High School of Arts in Parma as well as at the Academy of Fine Arts. In 2015 he began direc­ting diver­se music vide­os, for exam­p­le for Universal and Sony, as well as num­e­rous adver­ti­se­ment films for Ferrari and Levi’s.