DEEP DIVE The »YECs« bring lived European film cul­tu­re to Frankfurt: six young peo­p­le from Greece, Germany and Belgium pre­sent their own sel­ec­tion of films to the LUCAS audi­ence and can’t wait for in depth dis­cus­sions in the cine­ma. The topic of the Cinephiles this year: “Obsession”!

Film fans know exact­ly what it’s about: having tun­nel visi­on, and being com­ple­te­ly immer­sed in what you’re doing, thin­king or wan­ting. To be obses­sed with an idea, to be bent on rea­li­zing it; to cap­tu­re it on cel­lu­loid, for exam­p­le. It is no coin­ci­dence that many mile­sto­nes of cine­ma­tic art come from tho­se crea­ti­ve minds that sim­ply could not help but pur­sue their voca­ti­on; making art, almost invol­un­t­a­ri­ly. This can be felt in the aes­the­tics of par­ti­cu­lar works, as the »Young European Cinephiles« found out. They have been mee­ting in online work­shops sin­ce the spring to cura­te their own film series. What things are important to the­se cine­phi­les at the moment and how do the­se films rela­te to their “obses­si­on”?

With their self-sel­ec­ted the­me “Obsession”, the young cine­phi­les want to show the detail­ed, the focu­sed, but also the obses­si­ve, the delu­sio­nal side of films and expe­ri­ence and dis­cuss them tog­e­ther with the cine­ma audi­ence. Ivana (18) from Brussels cle­ar­ly distin­gu­is­hed the “healt­hy, crea­ti­ve” obses­si­ons, which enables radi­cal, inno­va­ti­ve thin­king and acting out­side the norm, from “unhe­alt­hy ones”.

Moreover, Franka (16) from Frankfurt and the other »YECs« noted, the­re is an almost uncan­ny, inte­res­t­ing rela­ti­onship bet­ween the rest­ric­ted, con­fi­ned living envi­ron­ment in the time of a glo­bal pan­de­mic and films that pre­sent from extre­me per­spec­ti­ves of the world. The »YECs« recom­mend: Dare to go deep with us, it’s worth it.

For the film sel­ec­tion of the »Young European Cinephiles« and tickets, click here.

Emma Kristin
Emma Kristin
Franka Kurke
Franka Kurke
Ivana Noa
Ivana Noa
Sofia Agalioti
Sofia Agalioti
Zeza Eirini-Aikaterini
Zeza Eirini-Aikaterini
Paul Riedel
Paul Riedel