Spott. SE 2022. Director: Hannah Reinikainen. 14 min. Feature film. OV w/Eng. sub. and Ger. Voice-over. Suitable from age 6.

Nellie and Jasse sound out their fri­end­ship: Sometimes playful­ly and ten­der­ly, then hard and phy­si­cal­ly. New rela­ti­onship con­stel­la­ti­ons put their bond to the test. (PK) 

After the cine­ma pre­mie­re, the short film will be available on LUCAS-Streaming until 23.12.2022.

Extra and Get Involved!

LUCAS im Kino

Film talks

LUCAS im Kino

Teaching material in German


2022 SPIT (short film) | 2022 NIGHT SHIFT (short film) | 2020 ALWAYS AMBER

Production com­pa­ny
Madbunny Film


Hannah Reinikainen stu­di­ed jour­na­lism and docu­men­ta­ry film pro­duc­tion. In 2020 she made her fea­ture film debut with ALWAYS AMBER.