Alice Júnior. BR 2019. Director: Gil Baroni. Screenplay: Luiz Bertazzo, Adriel Nizer. 87 min. Feature Film. OV with English sub­tit­les. Recommended from age 14.

As if being con­stant­ly per­cei­ved as a boy was­n’t humi­lia­ting enough, influen­cer Alice also has to move from Recife to the pro­vin­ces. “I’m straight, damn it!” she pro­claims the­re, annoy­ed by all the sky-scra­ping aim­less­ness. Things don’t get any bet­ter at the Catholic school. Fortunately, bet­ween machis­mo and shaming, the­re are also cor­rect kids: the ner­dy Viviane, the easy-going Taísa and Bruno, from whom Alice dreams of her first kiss.

A pie­ce of light­ness against the some­ti­mes ram­pant trans* hosti­li­ty in Brazil. (AB)

Dates and Cinema Tickets
WE, Oct. 11 | 10.30 a.m. | DFF Cinema

This movie is part of the Classics.Class.

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