Une Vie de Chat. FR/BE/NL/CH 2010. D: Jean-Loup Felicioli, Alain Gagnol. S: Alain Gagnol, Jacques- Rémy Girerd. 64 min. Animated film. Original ver­si­on with German sub­tit­les. Suitable from age 6. Recommended from age 7. 

The set­ting for this thril­ling crime thril­ler is the French capi­tal, whe­re Dino the cat leads a dou­ble life: By day, he is a well-beha­ved pet for six-year-old Zoé, but at the same time Dino spends his nights with Nico, a good-natu­red burglar. Dino regu­lar­ly brings Zoé small gifts such as lizards from his night­ly forays. Her mother Jeanne, a poli­ce chief by pro­fes­si­on, finds the­se gifts dis­gus­ting, but spends litt­le time with her daugh­ter. Her hus­band and for­mer pat­rol part­ner was mur­de­red by the noto­rious cri­mi­nal Victor Costa. In her next case, she sees her chan­ce to final­ly catch Victor Costa. But as the streets of Paris would have it, all tho­se invol­ved come tog­e­ther in an unu­su­al way. (HM)

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DI, 8.10. | 17:30 Uhr | Kino des DFF

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