Grüße vom Mars. DE 2023. D: Sarah Winkenstette. S: Sebastian Grusnick, Thomas Möller. 82 min. Feature film. Original ver­si­on. FSK 6. Recommended from age 8.


Change quick­ly over­w­helms ten-year-old Tom, which is why his fami­ly has deve­lo­ped a series of rou­ti­nes with him over the years to make his ever­y­day life easier. But this fra­gi­le order col­lap­ses when his mother is sent to China as a for­eign cor­re­spon­dent. Together with his older siblings Elmar and Nina, he is sent to live with his chao­tic grand­par­ents in the coun­try until they return. At first, Tom is more than skep­ti­cal about the tem­po­ra­ry move, but at his mother’s sug­ges­ti­on, the space fan turns the stay into a test run for the astro­naut care­er he dreams of. Can “Mission Lunau” be a success?

Dates and Movie Tickets
SA, Oct. 5 | 2:30 p.m. | Caligari FilmBühne
SU, Oct. 6 | 10 a.m. | DFF Cinema
MO, Oct. 7 | 8:30 a.m. | Cinéma (ful­ly booked)
TU, Oct. 8| 11:15 a.m. | Kino im Hafen (ful­ly booked)
TH, Oct. 10 | 11:15 a.m. | Cinéma (ful­ly booked)

Please reser­ve seats for the scree­nings on Festival Sunday in advance:
Tel. +49 69 961 220 — 220 | Mail:,
Keyword: “LUCAS Festival Sunday”

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Sarah Winkenstette

Sarah Winkenstette
Sarah Winkenstette ©Farbfilm Verleih | Source: DFF


Sarah Winkenstette actual­ly began her care­er in jour­na­lism: after com­ple­ting a trai­nee­ship, she gra­dua­ted from the RTL jour­na­lism school in Cologne. She later work­ed for various child­ren’s tele­vi­si­on for­mats for WDR and ZDFtivi. Her gra­dua­ti­on film at the Academy of Media Arts Cologne GEKIDNAPPED won seve­ral awards. In 2020, she made her fea­ture film debut with ZU WEIT WEG.

Filmography (Selection)

2020 SCHLOSS EINSTEIN (TV series, 4 episodes)
2011 GEKIDNAPPED (short film)

Production com­pa­nies
Leitwolf Filmproduktion GmbH
Kinescope Film GmbH

World sales
Farbfilm Verleih