US/DE 2018. R+S: Wes Anderson. 102 min. Animated film. Original ver­si­on with German sub­tit­les. FSK 6. Recommended from age 12. 

“In the near future, the dog popu­la­ti­on in Japan has explo­ded. When the so-cal­led dog flu breaks out and peo­p­le fear for their health, all dogs are banis­hed from Megasaki City and ship­ped to the remo­te island of Trash Island, which con­sists enti­re­ly of gar­ba­ge. The four-leg­ged fri­ends Boss, Chief, Rex, Duke and King don’t like this at all. They are proud alpha dogs and are now sup­po­sed to eat gar­ba­ge? So they make a pact and set off in search of bet­ter food. But when twel­ve-year-old Atari lands on the island in a hija­cked pla­ne, despe­ra­te to find his pet Spots, the alpha dog unit deci­des to chan­ge their mis­si­on and help the boy in his search.” (trans­la­ted from

Dates and Movie Tickets
SA, Oct. 6 | 8:15 p.m. | DFF Cinema

This movie is part of the film series cura­ted by the »Young European Cinephiles«.

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