FR 1995. D+S: Mathieu Kassovitz. 98 min. Feature film. Original ver­si­on with English sub­tit­les. FSK 12. Recommended from age 15. 

“In the drea­ry neigh­bor­hoods of the Parisian ban­lieues, unem­ploy­ed teen­agers Vinz, Hubert and Said keep their heads abo­ve water with small drug deals and wait for some­thing to chan­ge in their lives. When their 16-year-old fri­end Abdel is in hos­pi­tal, strugg­ling with death after a poli­ce inter­ro­ga­ti­on, riots break out all over the satel­li­te towns. Vinz finds a .44 Smith Wesson that a poli­ce­man lost during the street batt­les. He proud­ly explains to Hubert and Said that he will use it to kill one of the bru­tal Flics. At last he can give free rein to his hat­red of the sys­tem. Said and Hubert try to mode­ra­te him. But events soon esca­la­te …” (trans­la­ted from BJF-Clubfilmothek)

Dates and Movie Tickets
SA, Oct. 5 | 8:30 p.m. | DFF Cinema 

This movie is part of the film series cura­ted by the »Young European Cinephiles«.

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