BE 2023. D: Rachida El Garani. 19 min. Feature film. Original ver­si­on with English sub­tit­les and German voice-over. Suitable from age 12. 

Rachid is loo­king for a job. His last hope of ful­fil­ling the expec­ta­ti­ons of his Moroccan immi­grant par­ents is a job as a ritu­al slaugh­te­rer for the upco­ming sacri­fi­ci­al fes­ti­val. Rachid tri­es to get out of the affair with a momen­tous white lie. A fast-paced and humo­rous tale of cul­tu­re and iden­ti­ty. (SiS)


Dates and Movie Tickets
SU, Oct. 6 | 10:30 a.m. | Cinéma
This film is part of the short film pro­gram 4.

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