Hessian State Government presents: SCHINDLER’S LIST

October 9, 2024 marks the 50th anni­ver­sa­ry of the death of Oskar Schindler (1908–1974). Until May 1945, the entre­pre­neur employ­ed around 1,200 Jews in his fac­to­ries in Krakow and final­ly in Brünnlitz, saving them from exter­mi­na­ti­on by the Nazi sta­te. It was not until 1965 that Schindler was hono­red in Germany with the Federal Order of Merit; the sta­te of Hesse sup­port­ed him with an hono­ra­ry sala­ry from 1967. It was not until Thomas Keneally’s novel Schindler’s Ark, published in 1983, and abo­ve all the 1993 film adapt­a­ti­on by Steven Spielberg, that his sto­ry and his huma­ni­ta­ri­an achie­ve­ments were reco­gni­zed world­wi­de. To mark the anni­ver­sa­ry of his death, the sta­te of Hesse is com­me­mo­ra­ting this extra­or­di­na­ry man with a free scree­ning of SCHINDLER’S LIST.

Supported by the State of Hesse Hessian State Government


US 1993. D: Steven Spielberg.