Dream in Color. BE 2022. Director: Marijn Raeven. 7 min. Animation. No dia­log. Suitable from age 0.

Two brot­hers crea­te a fan­ta­stic world for them­sel­ves, in which they expe­ri­ence all kinds of adven­tures as pira­tes. It helps them cope with the loss of their mother. Soon their inven­ti­ve­ness infects their sad father. He, too, takes the plun­ge into the dream world. (SiS) 

After the cine­ma pre­mie­re, the short film will be available on LUCAS-Streaming until 23.12.2022.

Extra and Get Involved!

LUCAS im Kino

Film talks

LUCAS im Kino

Teaching material in German


2022 DREAM IN COLOR (short film)

Production com­pa­ny
Computed Emotion bv

World sales
Marijn Raeven


Marijn Raeven tea­ches at a high school and is a 3D artist in Belgium. He has been working on his film debut DREAM IN COLOR (2022) sin­ce 2009.