Manbiki kazo­ku. JP 2018. Director: Hirokazu Kore-eda. Screenplay: Hirokazu Kore-eda. 121 Min. Feature Film. Original ver­si­on with German sub­tit­les. FSK 12.

Kore-eda’s dra­ma tells the sto­ry of a Japanese fami­ly living in poor con­di­ti­ons on the out­skirts of Tokyo and sup­ple­men­ting their meager inco­me with pet­ty theft. When one day they find a negle­c­ted litt­le girl on a bal­c­o­ny in the neigh­bor­hood, they unce­re­mo­nious­ly take her not only with them, but also into their fami­ly bonds. The film beg­ins as a quiet milieu stu­dy, but later chan­ges tone and, in dra­ma­tic sce­nes, calls into ques­ti­on the fami­ly rela­ti­onships that were initi­al­ly cha­rac­te­ri­zed as loving. (HM)

Dates and Cinema Tickets
FR, Oct. 6 | 4 p.m. | DFF Cinema

This film is pre­sen­ted by the film club Blickwechsel Jetzt!

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