NOT JUST WATCHING, BUT PARTICIPATING: »Get Involved!« is the name of the par­ti­ci­pa­to­ry pro­jects on offer befo­re, during and after the fes­ti­val week. You can get invol­ved in a very prac­ti­cal way while expe­ri­en­cing and under­stan­ding film.


Our own film series, our mode­ra­ti­on, my film reviews: par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on for young peo­p­le is a top prio­ri­ty at LUCAS. Whether for cine­ma novices or die-hard cine­phi­les from Frankfurt, Rhine-Main and Europe, school clas­ses or fes­ti­val guests — the­re are “Get Involved!” pro­jects at every level at LUCAS, which are the ide­al start­ing point for an in-depth explo­ra­ti­on of the medi­um for ever­yo­ne. Discuss the works with film­ma­kers, gather know­ledge, explo­re tog­e­ther why and how the events on the screen allow us to expe­ri­ence dif­fe­rent cul­tures and feel things: Young peo­p­le learn a lot about them­sel­ves and the world with “Get invol­ved!” and expe­ri­ence inter­na­tio­nal film cul­tu­re tog­e­ther. The focus of all film edu­ca­ti­on pro­jects at LUCAS is to give film fans space for their own ide­as, cri­te­ria, methods and decis­i­ons and to deepen the film expe­ri­ence, some­ti­mes playful­ly, some­ti­mes ana­ly­ti­cal­ly, prac­ti­cal­ly or intuitively.

Contact and Advice:
Phone: 069 961 220 672

LUCAS separation

Film Talks in Advance

Quiet on set, we’ll ask the ques­ti­ons here! In inter­views set at the TV stu­dio of the Medienprojektzentrum Offener Kanal Rhein-Main (MOK), young peo­p­le talk to the film­ma­kers who­se films are being shown in the fes­ti­val com­pe­ti­ti­on. The young pre­sen­ters prepa­re for the inter­views in work­shops and wri­te  down important ques­ti­ons — inclu­ding: Where does the sto­ry come from? How did the actors prepa­re for their roles?

With the recor­ded inter­view, which can be view­ed on the MOK’s cable pro­gram, in the Mediathek Hessen and per­ma­nent­ly on the fes­ti­val’s own YouTube chan­nel, ever­yo­ne can expe­ri­ence film talks regard­less of time or place.

Click here for the Film Talks in Advance of LUCAS #47. All past film talks are available on the LUCAS YouTube channel

LUCAS separation

Critics | AI Edition

Which movie is gre­at, which isn’t — and abo­ve all: why?
Writing reviews means for­mu­la­ting your own opi­ni­on in a sty­li­sti­cal­ly con­fi­dent and con­vin­cing way, and this is exact­ly what the cri­tics work­shop is all about. At the fes­ti­val, the par­ti­ci­pan­ts watch seve­ral com­pe­ti­ti­on films and then get to the bot­tom of their con­tent and aes­the­tic design in work­shops with film edu­ca­tor Lara Verschragen. AI-sup­port­ed visua­liza­ti­ons of the texts will also be tes­ted at the upco­ming edi­ti­on. The resul­ting reviews will be published dai­ly on the LUCAS website.

Including a fes­ti­val pass for the enti­re LUCAS fes­ti­val week.

Here you can read the movie reviews of the last years:
LUCAS #46 (2023)
LUCAS #45 (2022)
LUCAS #44 (2021)

LUCAS separation

Young European Cinephiles

The »Young European Cinephiles« are an annu­al­ly chan­ging group of young film-loving Europeans who cura­te and pre­sent their own film series — and thus bring a young, inter­na­tio­nal per­spec­ti­ve to LUCAS.

As part of this »Get Involved!« pro­ject, young peo­p­le who have alre­a­dy been invol­ved in pro­jects at other European film fes­ti­vals, cine­ma­the­ques or film insti­tu­ti­ons will dis­cuss their sel­ec­tions accor­ding to an over­ar­ching the­me in online ses­si­ons lea­ding up to the fes­ti­val. During LUCAS, the »YECs« pre­sent their film series in the cine­ma and lead the film talk with the audi­ence afterwards.

This year the »Young European Cinephiles« con­sist of teen­agers and young adults from Croatia and Germany. The the­me of the Cinephiles for LUCAS #47 is: “Togetherness”!

More about the “Young European Cinephiles” 2024 and their film series.


FR 1995. D: Mathieu Kassovitz. 


US 2016. D: Travis Knight.


US/DE 2018. D: Wes Anderson.