LUCAS nimmt bis 1. Mai 2024 Einreichungen für die Kurzfilmwettbewerbe »Kids« und »Teens« an.
Das 47. LUCAS – Internationales Festival für junge Filmfans findet vom 5. – 11. Oktober 2024 in Frankfurt am Main und Umgebung statt.
LUCAS bringt aktuelles internationales Filmschaffen für junges Publikum auf die Leinwand. In den Wettbewerben »Kids«, »Teens« und »Youngsters« werden herausragende internationale Spiel‑, Dokumentar‑, Animations- und Experimentalfilme präsentiert. Ausgesuchte Langfilmbeiträge sowie eine Auswahl an Kurzfilmen gehen ins Rennen um die begehrten LUCAS-Preise.
Für den Kurzfilmwettbewerb werden Produktionen von einer Spieldauer bis zu 30 Minuten angenommen. Der eingereichte Kurzfilm soll möglichst bei LUCAS seine Deutschlandpremiere feiern. Bitte nutzen Sie die Plattform FilmFreeway für die Einreichung.
Bitte lesen Sie die Bestimmungen zur Kurzfilmeinreichung sorgfältig durch, bevor Sie Ihren Kurzfilm für LUCAS #47 auf FilmFreeway bis zum 1. Mai 2024 einreichen. Bitte beachten Sie auch die benutzerdefinierten Anmeldeformulare und die auf FilmFreeway in Gänze aufgeführten Regeln.
Bitte für Langfilme (mehr als 60 Minuten) beachten:
Die Auswahlkommission scoutet Langfilme auf Festivals und Branchentreffen und kuratiert aus den stärksten aktuellen Produktionen weltweit Beiträge für die Wettbewerbe »Kids«, »Teens« und »Youngsters«. Die Produktionen dürfen auf Festivals in Deutschland, aber noch nicht in deutschen Kinos angelaufen sein, nicht Premierenstatus, sondern einzig Qualität entscheidet. Nur in Ausnahmefällen werden auch im Langfilmwettbewerb Einreichungen akzeptiert.
Bestimmungen zur Kurzfilmeinreichung (in englischer Sprache)
Films submitted for the short film competition must meet all the following six criteria. PLEASE NOTE: All questions of the custom form must be answered. Please refer to the regulation details below for further info.
- The film is not available on German territory for free or paid public viewing on television or on the Internet, social media included.
- Only films which have been produced between 2022 and 2024 are eligible.
- Only entries that can provide a DCP screening copy with English subtitles will be accepted.
- The submission link must also provide English subtitles.
- The running time of the film may not exceed 30 minutes.
- Only entries with answers to the custom form will be taken into consideration.
The entry fee for all short films is 10$. Productions from countries listed as Least Developed Countries by the United Nations Committee for Development Policy are eligible to apply for an entry fee waiver (ref. to the list here: https://unctad.org/topic/least-developed-countries/list). To apply for the entry fee waiver code for productions from LDC, please contact lucas-entry@dff.film and provide production details. Entry fees will not be refunded, neither in case of the film being entered on different platforms, the film being selected nor not selected.
- LUCAS – International Festival for Young Film Lovers highlights in its program innovative films both in form and content. We are looking for outstanding productions which appeal to young film lovers of various ages. This includes films made specifically for young audiences as well as films on account of their form and content. LUCAS is organized by DFF – Deutsches Filminstitut & Filmmuseum (Schaumainkai 41, 60596 Frankfurt).
- The 47th LUCAS – International Festival for Young Film Lovers will take place in Frankfurt and the Rhein-Main region, Germany, from Oct 5 to 11, 2024. The festival is open for a wide range of fiction, documentary, animation, experimental and hybrid films. The films will be shown in competition, out of competition and in special programs.
- Films submitted for the short film competition must meet the following criteria:
+ The film is not available on German territory for free or paid public viewing on television or the internet.
+ Only films which have been produced between 2022 and 2024 are eligible.
+ Only entries that can provide a DCP screening copy with English subtitles will be accepted. The submission link must also provide English subtitles. - A selection committee chooses films for the competition. The selection process will not be public and there is no legal right to enter the competition.
- Filmmakers will be notified per mail and the platform if their film is selected, films that are not selected will be notified via FilmFreeway only.
- The awards are decided upon by various international juries. The juries in the competitions »Kids« and »Teens« consist of children and teens as well as film professionals. The jury in the competition »Youngsters« consists only of adolescents and young adults. The jury’s decision is final, and the jury does not need to justify their decisions.
+ Awards for Best Feature Film in the competitions »Kids« (5.000 €) and »Teens« (5.000 €)
+ Awards for the Best Short Film in the competitions »Kids« (2.000 €) and »Teens« (2.000 €)
+ Award for an Outstanding Cinematic Achievement in the competition »Teens« (2.000 €)
+ LUCAS »Youngsters« Award in the competition »Youngsters«| (5.000 €)
Moreover, LUCAS bestows an Audience Award as well as the award of the European Children’s Film Association (ECFA). - Awards and prize money will be donated to the directors of the winning films.
- After a film’s entry into competition has been publicly announced, a withdrawal of the film is no longer possible.
- Films will only be screened in their original language with English subtitles. Selected short films in competition may be translated into German for voice-over by the festival.
- The festival acknowledges that for each film the LUCAS regulations authorize a total of no more than 600 viewers.
- The deadline for entering short films is May 1, 2024. By then the selection committee must have received the film via FilmFreeway or online link, as well as the completed online form.
- A DCP/print of the film is to be sent only after an official invitation. The DCP/film print of the selected film must arrive at least 10 days before the festival starts.
- Unless negotiated otherwise, license providers of selected films will take care of the shipping costs (transport, insurance and customs) of the DCP and/or QT ProRes to LUCAS. LUCAS will take care of the costs for the shipment to the next destination (either another festival or return to the license provider). The festival retains a copy of the film in the festivals archive.
- The festival covers the insurance of the DCPs/film prints while they are on location in Frankfurt, from their arrival until they are given back to the shipper.
- Only the rights holder or his representative can enter a film.
- Entering a film equals the acceptance of the festival’s regulations.
- The management of the festival is authorized to change the festival’s regulations in special cases.